Hello everyone, A new patch has arrived at the station, and the current version of the game is 12360. The adventure continues, so we kindly ask all passengers to take their seats on the train. [b]New Features, Changes, and Improvements[/b] [list] [*] Character customization update: We have revamped the appearance of character faces and improved and updated the options for facial features, hairstyles, beards, scars, mustaches, and various makeup choices. The character customization scene is now brighter and cleaner, allowing you to see your adventurer more clearly. Additionally, when you equip a headgear on your character, a special hairstyle is displayed underneath. [*] We have added the "Boat Dance" gaming table, a tabletop mini-game based on backgammon, where you can pass the time with your friend or Rofleemo. The table becomes available for exploration on the 7th phase of the tech tree. [*] New Void creature - Electric Jellyfish. Currently, they have been added in their basic form with limited functionality, but be cautious, as getting too close to them may result in a significant electric shock. [*] Rework of the Leech creature. Now it attaches to the train and puts off a growth on it, which gradually expands. If you fail to destroy the growth in time and allow it to grow, it will block the train's wheel movement. [*] Rework of the NPC system (Rofleemo on the train). Major changes to GUI, logic, buffs, debuffs, perks, and addition of new classes: - Loader: A workbench assigned to a loader can directly take resources for crafting from containers located in the same section as the workbench. - Metallogist: Provides a chance to create bonus ingots during any smelting process at the smelter where they work. - Smelting Genius: Reduces fuel consumption during any smelting process at the smelter where they work. Mushrooms are reintroduced into the game (now necessary to satisfy Rofleemo's needs, allowing them to use perks while working). Additionally, a delicious, but exclusively edible for Rofleemo, Mushroom Salad has been added. The Mushroom Salad unlocks additional mushroom slots for perks. [*] Introducing a new type of resource - Junk (includes various types). It drops from AI soldiers and some other sources and allows crafting ingots and other items in an alternative way if you run out of the usual resources. [*] A long-awaited change: now Level 2 workbenches inherit the recipes from Level 1 workbenches. [*] You can now move container stands without removing the containers from them (containers are not displayed on the stands while moving them, it's normal). [*] And finally! Added the ability to upgrade train containers instead of building new ones when unlocking higher container levels! [*] Now, in addition to renaming containers, you can place a sign with customizable color and icons, making it easier to find that stack of metal you've been looking for. [*] A new revolver module has been added that gives a chance to duplicate a projectile upon firing. [*] Rework of the vending machine (logic and balance). [*] Mushroom stacks have been increased to 20 (previously 10). [*] Mushrooms can now drop in arenas, occasionally in depots and outposts, and also in abandoned trains. [*] Mushrooms have been added to the vending machine item rotation. [*] Improved rewards in the gambling machine (Tier 2 weapon module reward replaced with Tier 3; mushrooms and junk items added to rewards; x1 token reward now gives x2 tokens; weapon modules dropped as rewards no longer include stocks and scopes). [*] Significantly improved loot in abandoned trains. Now you can find coal and fuel chunks more often. [*] New tutorials added for Rofleemo progression and Leeches. [*] A new Void ambient music track. [*] Improved revolver reload sound (now synchronized with fast animation, the same for slow animation). [*] Enhanced bandage healing and armor placement sounds. [*] New music ambients volume better balanced with other ambients. [*] Added sounds for defusing mines. [*] Rofleemo is now slightly less chatty in the player's hands [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with the possibility of getting a negative value in the research timer. [*] Fixed an issue where resources were not consumed when building level 1 and level 2 rams. [*] Fixed a network bug where face masks were not saved for client players. [*] Fixed a bug with line breaks in some notifications. [*] Fixed quest bugs related to leaving the depot. [*] Fixed the possibility of duplicating Chests when opening them on the altar via Rofleemo. [*] Fixed the recipe for the "Home Comfort" technology, now it uses Bandage I instead of Bandage II. [*] Fixed blood impacts VFX. [*] Fixed the logic of puzzle generation - previously, after the first quest puzzle, players were getting high-level puzzles. Now the system looks at the player's puzzle progression to gradually increase their difficulty as players progress through the game. [*] Fixed the sound of unpacking Rofleemo. [*] Potentially fixed a bug with the display of the safety rope for client players when they are on the train. [*] Fixed the absence of journal animations while the character is crouching. [*] Fixed incorrect ordering of notes in the journal. [*] Fixed a bug where consumables disappear from the inventory when picking up a death bag. [*] Fixed the incorrect addition of a journal note at the beginning of the game. [*] Fixed the rolling of different meshes for weapon frames. [*] Fixed the loss of the revolver on the weapon table in cases where autosave occurs during revolver changes and the Esc key is pressed quickly in the UI during opening. [*] Reduced the delay between locking the train and starting the quest to prevent possible quest locks. [*] Skips the quest "Place the Chest on the train" if there are no Chest objects in the world. [*] Fixed hand animation during a swimming sprint in the Void. [*] The vending machine took more resources than it gave - fixed. [*] Fixes for the cooperative gameplay of the vending machine. [*] Removed unnecessary references to the character blueprint. [*] Fixed a bug where the resource chunk was not returned from the crusher. Now, when canceled, the crusher returns the object to the inventory, and if the inventory is full, it spawns near the player. [*] Fixed the disappearance of weapons when trying to move them into an already occupied slot. [*] Added an impact sound when Rofleemo teleporting (previously not working). [*] Fixes for character animation glitch from third person during landing after a jump in gravity. [*] General fixes, game code optimization, and method call optimization. [/list]