GIAS Transmission - Module 1 Establishing connection.. done. Enter password.. done. Signal redirection.. done. User identity.. confirmed. Clearance level: Omega-4 - - - Hacking completed successfully Welcome to the GIAS network - - - Global Institute of Advanced Sciences Proudly presents: The Cluster Surviving Guide - - - Part 1: Your body at the first place. - - - Although the Cluster may seem like a scary place, to begin with, you should not be distracted by anything other than the state of your body. You are human. And you are mortal. Your body has needs that you must satisfy, otherwise you will die. Your most basic needs are hunger and thirst. When assigned to the Cluster, each GIAS employee receives a starting ration, which contains a small amount of edible food and water. The starting ration contains all the necessary vitami64hnfsd71hd2jjfasddl,,,,888888asdlf989DONTLISTENTOTHEMTHEYARELIETOU**ns When your food and water supplies run low, you will need to find new ones. The best places to find edible food and bottled water are human-made buildings, which can be found in large numbers on the floating isl***CLASSIFIED INFO DETECTED*** Rewriting protocol engaged.. done. - - - Clearance level: Omega-3 required Checking user clearance level.. failed. Result: part of the message has been edited - - - ***ed to find a Bonefire for cooking. You can cook the Raw Meat of any wild animals you kill on any Bonefires. And use wells to refill your water. That's all for today! Tomorrow you will receive new great advice! - - - And remember.. There are only 4 days left until your own Bodycam Trip into the Cluster!