Improvements/Changes -Updated project to UE 5.4 resulted < 5% performance drop for most levels but chaos levels see 0 - 30% improvement -Added 4 new levels for Fluid Ninja VFX -Added in a first person spectator switch for the default third person pawn (Y Key) -Added in an additional character -Upgraded spawn system to have 100+ meshes to choose from; both skeletal and static meshes -Upgraded chaos system to have dynamic anchor fields for certain geometry collections so they can -now be fully destroyed i.e level 3 and 4 -Added large amount of new dance animations -Added slo mo to all characters -Added invisibility for default third person character (it only hides the first material may have to switch character for it to fully work and is permanent) -Added a new chaos Level Fixes -Fixed an issue with dancing pawns where dancing animations would all start to blend -Fixed dancing transitioning back to root position -Fixed dancing always looping back to same animation -Fi/xed bug with menu whereby it would pause but menu doesn't show -Fixed issue with slo mo not working correctly -Fixed negative speed issue with first person pawn -Cleaned up Waterfall effect -Fixed issue with Viking Cape -Tons of other small fixes Bugs in 5.4 -Bug where layer 2 debris isn't removed in chaos levels, think i've got a solution but it's not critical and can be destroyed manually -Chaos elements/geometry collisions will turn transparent in certain areas momebtarily when hit with a large blast -some fluid ninja interactions don't work 100% Note: There's likely a large amount of new bugs introduced due to the upgrade to UE 5.4, i've fixed what i've found but i'm sure there's still alot more: send me a message on discord if you find any bugs, thanks in advance