[h1]Hi Aquanauts![/h1] Today we released a bigger update for Stardiver. It addresses a lot of your feedback and enhances the gameplay in few places. If you are interested in the game further development and want to help in it by giving us feedback, please join our Discord server here: [url=https://discord.gg/aPJv62zjTW]https://discord.gg/aPJv62zjTW[/url] [h2]What’s new?[/h2] We introduce the objective target system. We are very curious about your opinion on that. It is a simple quality-of-life feature that was expected by some players, especially new ones. It shows a current objective position as a target icon in a game world. It will be very useful for finding cave entrances as many of you told us that it was too hard (we admit that we hid the entrances too much). Check out the gif below. There is an icon suggesting where you should find a mission objective. It is visible through rocks etc. and shows how far the objective is. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//40374028/eb9b6626fcb2b8caa9e57049f6764be9e29acccc.gif[/img] [h2]What’s changed?[/h2] We changed a lot in the game but there are a few things we’d like to mention here for your attention: [olist] [*]You can upgrade the ship much sooner, only after 3rd mission. [*]A lot of changes in the tutorial according to your feedback (we didn’t thoroughly change it yet though). [*]Auto-Roll system is now moved to the game settings. [/olist] [b]The Auto-Roll change may affect your gamestyle.[/b] We moved it to game settings because new players stuck with it set to OFF after the tutorial and it was causing a lot of confusion (check out youtube gameplays with ships flying half-turned all the time ;p). However, some of you were using the “X” key to setting it ON/OFF while playing - that is no longer possible. Please let us know on Discord if this is something you would want to get back. If so, we will work it out somehow. [h2]List of all improvements and bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*][new] Displaying “Press F to land” at the center of the screen when on base’s landing point [*][new] Cave entrances in missions are marked by target icon now [*][new] Added an objective target system (target icons) to various places in missions [*][new] Possibility to turn off more visual effects [*][new] Possibility to change screen mode in settings (windowed, fullscreen exclusive and more) [*][changed] Swimming outside the ship is more steady (less animation, slower movement, etc.) [*][changed] Crystals in caves are now bigger, finding them is easier [*][changed] You can use all buildings in the base sooner (upgrade or change your ship sooner) [*][changed] Auto-Roll/auto-leveling moved to game settings (previously at “X” key on keyboard) [*][changed] Less fish in the first fight [*][changed] Tutorial buttons marked when already used (more info on what is already completed) [*][changed] Other tutorial improvements like dialogue changes, removing some steps etc. [*][changed] Sea currents removed from the starting area (created a lot of confusion) [*][changed] Smaller FOV in cockpit camera (=less motion sickness) [*][changed] Scanning area is now bigger for easier object scanning [*][changed] Improved control of the quest view (completed or active) [*][changed] Minor various cutscenes improvements [*][bugfix] ESC not working [*][bugfix] Item icon from inventory staying on cursor after closing the inventory [*][bugfix] Text overlapping in the main menu [*][bugfix] Save errors due to unsupported characters [*][bugfix] Collecting new items when inventory is full sometimes causes items disappearing [*][bugfix] Crafting causing item loss sometimes [*][bugfix] Collecting mini-mine tool blocking progress in the mission 3 [*][bugfix] Rare bug with cutting out part of a dialogue in the mission 3 [*][bugfix] Smoother camera action in the first cutscene [*][bugfix] Smoother camera action in the second (base introduction) cutscene [*][bugfix] FOV unwanted change when closing a chest while swimming outside the ship [*][bugfix] Rare problem with dash not working after the fight with Nosozaur [*][bugfix] Mission 14 starting too soon in some specific cases [/list] We will continue to work on the game so you can expect more changes in the future. Thank you for playing the game! We know that many of you are enjoying it and that makes us very happy. We hope that changes and fixes described above will improve the experience for everyone, existing and new players of Stardiver 🙂 [i]Best wishes, Green Planet Games team[/i] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1599070/Stardiver/