Hello Detectives, We've received several reports about the game crashing or displaying connectivity error pop-ups. After investigating, we discovered that these issues are often caused by certain antivirus programs, such as Kaspersky (so far), preventing our game from running properly. If you’re experiencing these problems, please follow these steps to resolve them: Check if you have any antivirus programs running. If so, try temporarily disabling them. Make sure to allow 'Uncover the Smoking Gun' to run by adding it to your antivirus program’s exception list. We appreciate your understanding and support as we ensure the best gaming experience possible. If you're still running into the same issue after trying out both methods, please report to the [url=https://discord.com/invite/ephaKCPeyf]Uncover the Smoking Gun Discord channel[/url] for further assistance. Thank you, The Uncover the Smoking Gun Team