Or 'The Diary', whatever works best. This update adds a sort of checklist that the player is supposed to clear in order to progress, very similar to the standard RPG quest-log. Every activity finished is tracked, and marked, so the player knows exactly how much is left to do to progress, and where to go. Some images can be found on the artwork gallery on the Steam page of Unakis. This should give the player some direction, and a sense of purpose to what they're actually doing, as well as culling out the optional tasks that the player may not be interested in doing. As aimlessness and a lack of feedback was a notable issue with the game, I hope this update alleviates it. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45136668/19aa4a31793e6ab2c90ffc6bf674efc5b62db61f.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45136668/5f31e53745c262c92caa16d1fbbe6807722dbba1.png[/img]