[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8874941/f6e483d3df9355814d972f7e153c83f846adce6b.png[/img] [b]Dear oil entrepreneurs old and new, [/b] It's been a while since the last update, but this doesn't mean we that we've stopped working on the game! On the contrary, the success of Turmoil has has only enabled and inspired us to do much more. There are currently several big Turmoil things in the pipeline: [h1]Multiplayer [/h1] Lots of you have asked for it, and we've always really wanted it ourselves too. To start with, we are aiming for campaigns to be playable against human opponents. These will probably be a shorter version of the original campaigns, with several changes to features like the Stock and Land Auction so that you can play against your friends and others in a turn-based fashion. [h1]New Challenge Modes [/h1] The working title that we're using here is 'The Oilympics', and we've got a strong suspicion it will also be the official name. An example of a challenge could be a level in which Left and Right are closed, and then have to mine out all the oil with a limited budget. Each challenge is designed to test your skills in a specific aspect of the game and of course you will be able compete against rival drilling masters on the leaderboards. [h1]Level Replays [/h1]Ever wondered why you couldn't get to number one in the Weekly Challenge? With the upcoming replay system you will be able to view how other players went about their business of maximizing profits. And you can also share replays with your friends. [h1]Mobile [/h1]Turmoil on mobile! Turmoil is already available for iPad, but we are now also working on a version for mobile phones (you guys all have one, right? ;), and *drumroll*... Nintendo Switch. Nintendo conveniently gave the left and right Switch controllers the same color as the Left and Right Inc. buildings, so who are we to neglect such an obvious hint? While we're happy to share this news right now, there's a difference with what we have in store and what's available in the store. It will take quite some time to get multiplayer working, we have to rebuild the game from scratch for that. So don't expect any of this in 2018. The release on Switch will probably be the first of this list, somewhere in Q1 or Q2 of 2019. [h1]Briquid[/h1] In the meantime! If you’d like to play another game where you have to move liquid from one place to another, you might want keep an eye on our puzzle game Briquid. It’s one of the first games we ever made, and it will now also be available on Steam, on December 6th. You can check it out [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/803280/Briquid/]here.[/url]