Hi all, Today we’ve got a BIG update with new content! [h1]This update brings the Weekly Challenge to Turmoil. Every week everyone will get one chance (and one chance only!) to play the exact same level. Your score will be posted on the Leaderboard where you can compare yourself to the rest of the world and your friends. The Weekly Challenge will feature every Area from the game sequentially, including the Bonus Island. So, get ready and Git Gud.[/h1] [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8874941/ab82bea2ed5a1b985c7088279ba9d863cc181ff3.png[/img] We have also added a Game Over state in the game. No more borrowing money from the bank until your eyes bleed and you’ve developed a severe case of repetitive strain syndrome. After 3 years of ‘being in the red’ you will now get told to get out of town and try again. Other changes include the ability to send your end of game screenshot to Steam and some rework of the Russian and Chinese translations. Enjoy the update and we’ll see you on the Leaderboards! Below us preferably. 😉 Gamious [b]New[/b][list] [*]Weekly Challenge – ONE chance at glory. Every week. [*]Game Over state – A negative bank account 3 years running. [*]Screenshots – uploaded to Steam. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b][list] [*]Chinese – Complete rework of the translation. Thanks to indienova.com. [*]Russian – Multiple translation fixes. Thanks to a community member. [*]Small bug fixes. [*]Millionaire achievement now works again.[/list]