[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36744579/1b5b1f48d4e18a9a21bea35b9c74145646293a40.png[/img] [h3]A small bugfix update for Truck & Logistics Simulator. Full changelog:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed the customization camera bug. [*] Fixed the issue with interior camera rotation with controller. [*] Added mod* button to control mapping. [*] Fixed Dump Trucks fuel tank save/load issue. [*] Fixed load vehicles showing wrong hotkey for second axis. [/list] [i]*: Mod button is used for controllers for second vehicle axis, camera zoom, and quick chat in multiplayer.[/i] The default controls are updated. To receive the updated control maps, please use "revert to default" from the control mapper. [i]As always, the version is updated on the Beta branch first, and after a few hours, will also be available on the default branch.[/i] [i]Your Truck & Logistics team[/i]