[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/958135/989d5531c931362d2c0f8b98da012e43bc7b6964.jpg[/img] The Halloween Sale isn't all that's going on this week! We've also released a new patch to address some problems with specific locos working in 64-bit and some other minor fixes: [h1]Union Pacific No 119 AND CPRR 4-4-0 No. 60 ‘Jupiter’ Steam Loco[/h1] [b][u]UPDATE: This fixes have now also been applied to the CPRR 4-4-0 No. 60 ‘Jupiter’ Steam Loco[/u][/b] Updated the Damper logic. At >10 mph, there is a positive damper effect (hotter fire) only if the damper facing the direction of travel is closed and the other is open. At <= 10mph, there is a positive damper effect (hotter fire) if either one or both of the two dampers are open. Fixed the rolling stock so that it doesn't roll away when parked on a steep grade. Approximate download size is 21MB. [h1]C.P.R.R Buffalo[/h1] This corrects the name you see on the outside of the Buffalo cab when looking down at it in cab view and also moves the cylinder cock emitters to line up with the actual cocks. Approximate download size is 10MB. [h1]LNER Peppercorn K1, GWR Small Prairie Pack and GWR Class 14xx[/h1] These updates resolve control issues when playing in Train Simulator 64-bit. Approximate download size is: - 85MB for the LNER Peppercorn K1 - 82MB for the GWR Small Prairies Pack - 50MB for the GWR Class 14xx