[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/958135/2af368b2c27b4c8b69f82dd3829f0a8a4ba781fa.jpg[/img] [h1][b]TS19 Update 20 May 2019[/b][/h1] Today we are bringing an update to Train Simulator 19. This update features a number of changes to the ÖBB 1144, BR Class 205, Union Pacific No. 119 locomotives and the Frankfurt U-Bahn Route. [b]ÖBB 1144[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an outstanding legal issue in the cab of the loco [*] Update Size: 78MB. [/list] [b]BR Class 205[/b] [list] [*] Added the common assets folder which restores the missing Cab Secure Radio (CSR) lineside sign components which are required for the included scenarios to work properly. [*] Update Size: 44KB. [/list] [b]Union Pacific No. 119[/b] [list] [*] Replaced the artwork in the panels on the rear corners of UP119's tender. [*] Corrected the bell so that the first strike (after the bell starts to swing) makes a sound. [*] Headlight and coach light shadow-casting can now be toggled by pressing Ctrl Shift + S while the locomotive is moving. [*] Added an alert message when shadow-casting is toggled. [*] Lights in the consist are now toggled when cars are added to, or removed from, a train (if the loco's headlight is on). [*] Update Size: 83MB. [/list] [b]Frankfurt U-Bahn Route[/b] [list] [*] Added some projectors with an advertisement to the station: Suedbahnhof, Konstablerwache/D, Bockenheimer Warte/C, etc. [*] Added ‘Mind the Step’ announcement to lines U4, U5, U6, U7 for ‘U3 Train Type’ [*] Fixed possible AI traffic problems between Dornbusch and Huegelstrasse. [*] Update Size: 671MB. [/list]