[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//958135/446f4c140d43057a39b78b419d69f1b50efc3a02.jpg[/img] This year marks the landmark 100-year anniversary of the ‘Big Four’. To celebrate this momentous occasion that has shaped British railway history over the past century we’ve launched some new bundles for Train Simulator Classic, created some collection guide articles to help you find ‘Big Four’ add-ons and planned a RFTV stream for tonight. Read on to find out more. [h2]New ‘Big Four’ Bundles[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//958135/0445e1ecbc129ab4de0b84d5b5be2ca22ad5d750.jpg[/img] In January 1923, following the Railways Act, UK rail history was made with the formation of Great Western Railway (GWR), London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER) and Southern Railway (SR). Designed to consolidate the fragmented industry and improve efficiency. This led to iconic locomotives and journeys all over the country. You can experience this with some new bundles onn the Steam Store, each including x2 routes and x5 locomotives with a 25% off complete my collection discount. [h3]LNER Centenary Bundle[/h3] Features ECML and Weardale & Teesdale routes. Locomotives included are Flying Scotsman Centenary, LNER A2, LNER Class V2, LNER Peppercorn K1 and LNER Raven Q6. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33163/ [h3]LMS Centenary Bundle[/h3] Features Western Lines of Scotland and Settle to Carlise routes. Locomotives included are LMS Rebuilt Patriot Class, Class 3F ‘Jinty’, LMS Stanier Class 8F, LMS Stanier Class 5 and LMS Coronation Class. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33162/ [h3]GWR Centenary Bundle[/h3] Features Falmouth Branch Line and Riviera Line in the Fifties routes. Locomotives included are GWR Small Prairies, GWR Pannier Tank, GWR Class 14XX, GWR Large Prairies and the GWR Saint Class. Steam Bundle (GWR) https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33161/ [h3]SR Centenary Bundle[/h3] Features Welsh Marches and West Somerset Railway routes. Locomotives included are BR Rebuilt West Country, Merchant Navy Class, N15 King Arthur, SR Schools Class and Southern S15. https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33164/ [h2]Collection Guides[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//958135/55804b39ab9c914b2c56f32c5c779d1c6774a16a.jpg[/img] Looking for more ‘Big Four’ action in Train Simulator Classic? There are many routes available running up to the modern era, a wide range of classic era locomotives, Marketplace packs adding more liveries or coaches, and many more. You can build the collection you want, this really is your ultimate railway hobby! To help with finding relevant add-ons we’re setting up specific Collection articles for each of the ‘Big Four’. These will be over on Dovetail Live and the first of these covering GWR can be found [url=https://live.dovetailgames.com/live/train-sim-world/articles/article/train-simulator-classic-gwr-collection]here[/url]. LNER, LMS and SR to follow later in the week. [h2]Railfan TV Stream[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//958135/374ed219be6ba73bd59836dbdbb672085f510fde.jpg[/img] You can join Jamie on Railfan TV tonight as we take a look at some of the ‘Big Four’ add-ons available in Train Simulator Classic. Watch live from 7PM UTC as he steps onto the footplate of some iconic steam locomotives in honour of this centenary anniversary. You can follow along on our official streaming channels. Links: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@train-simulator-classic]YouTube[/url] / [url=https://www.twitch.tv/train_simulator_classic]Twitch[/url] What is your favourite ‘Big Four’ add-on in Train Simulator Classic? Have you been visiting any preserved railways this Summer to see a British rail icon? Planning your own ‘Big Four’ railtour? Let us know in the comments. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//958135/dae70df2d5fd80d64515e0f8f77ebcbc9a0c0283.jpg[/img]