[b] 19/01/2017 [/b] http://store.steampowered.com/app/376979/ The unique and timeless appeal of American interurban railroading comes to life on the Sacramento Northern, South End route. Set in the late 1930s and early 1940s, this Train Simulator route features classic interurban passenger and freight operations on the Sacramento Northern Railway’s route that extended from San Francisco’s busy Transbay Terminal to its famed ferry connection on California’s Suisun Bay. Created by G-Trax Simulations, the Sacramento Northern, South End route delivers the experience of operating SN’s iconic Holman 1003-class interurbans in passenger service as well as its diminutive but powerful General Electric 650-class Steeple Cab electric locomotives in freight duty. Stretching approximately 45 route miles, the Sacramento Northern, South End route includes the four-mile-long Bay Bridge crossing from San Francisco to Oakland over which you will operate with the Sacramento Northern’s innovative in-cab signaling system. All the captivating – and challenging – features of traditional interurban-era railroading await you on the Sacramento Northern, South End route, including hectic street-running in Oakland and tight curvatures and steep grades to navigate as the railroad climbs up and over the rugged Oakland Hills and through Redwood Canyon. And whether the location is bustling and urban San Francisco and Oakland or the tiny agricultural towns of Contra Costa County, the route marvelously re-captures and rekindles the bygone era of the 1930s and 1940s. The Sacramento Northern, South End route also features more than a dozen types of freight equipment authentic to the period and, for AI, the Key System’s articulated Bridge Unit and the Interurban Electric Railway’s “red car” interurban. The Sacramento Northern, South End route brings all the timeless appeal and unique operating challenges of classic American interurban railroading to your Train Simulator experience!