Tomorrow we will be releasing an update to the Metronom ME146 which fixes issues the community have told us about as part of our content review programme. The patch will download and install automatically through Steam if you own the Metronom ME146. The full patch notes are as follows: •Fixed - No headlight illumination from loco. • Added cab light. • Fixed - Broken glass. • Fixed - Window wipers not working from inside cab. • Fixed - No horn sound. • Fixed - Task listing not correct. • Fixed - Doors not opening at Großburgwedel Gleis 2. • Fixed - No rain effect. • Fixed - Window wiper on driver trailer coach does not work. • Fixed - Grammar error in message boxes. • Fixed - Rankings tab is shaded out. • Fixed - Locomotive does not appear in Quick Drive menu. • Added manual • Added thumbnail image for loco in menu. • Added locomotive information in menu • Added Meta data • Fixed - Shadows do not appear under rail vehicles. • Fixed - Dynamic brake not working. • Fixed - Handbrake control does not work using icon on the HUD and/or keyboard command. • Fixed - Dynamic brake control lever animates the wrong way. • Fixed - No direction control lever present to use. • Fixed - Unable to use light control lever inside 146 cab. • Added light switch in cab of 146. • Added sounds on cab control levers, switches and buttons. • Added rain on window and roof sound effect. • Fixed - Wiper sound is not consistent. • Added animated Sun shields • Fixed - Cab view in driving trailer coach is partially missing. • Added wiper switch. • Added locomotive brake information message box. • Fixed - Cab roof not welded. • Added Power indicator Z-fighting. • Fixed Emergency brakes applied by reverser. • Added AFB instructions to manual • Updated Screenshot of loco in manual • Fixed - AFB not reaching target speed. • Fixed - Loco slowing below AFB control. • Fixed - Incorrect information in message box. • Added reverser information to manual. • Fixed Missing driver. • Added switch legend for headlights. • Fixed - Start/Stop engine keyboard control not working. • Fixed - Keyboard control does not activate handbrake. • Fixed - AFB reaches full at half setting. • Added door handles on inside of cab. • Added physical cab light. • Fixed - Cab light casts strange shadow on cab. • Adjusted Throttle and AFB grab points. • Added hook • Fixed - Left wiper arm disappearing • Corrected spelling mistakes in manual and scenario text. • Fixed - Incorrect naming description given for quick drive consists. • Added Localisation for German. • Fixed - Message box errors. • Fixed - Wiper sound from driver trailing cab coach is missing. • Fixed - Loco name inconsistent in menu’s. • Fixed - Driver train name wrong in Quick Drives. • Fixed - Driver train name wrong in “The Early Morning Commuter” scenario. • Fixed - Unnecessary apostrophe in description, briefing and first message box. • Fixed - AFB causes sudden stops and loses points in career. • Fixed - Disabling AFB enables AFB bug on speedo. • Fixed - Blue line for brakes not completely disappearing on driving trailer. We would like to thank everyone who provided us with suggestions and feedback about the Metronom ME146. We hope that you enjoy this new updated version.