In response to your important feedback on a variety of add-ons available for Train Simulator 2016, we have today released an update for the Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’. Here’s a list of what has been addressed: [list] [*]Fixed incorrect modelling of the Guard’s Vehicle [*]Fixed running numbers to display a maximum of ‘442 424’ [*]Fixed animation of the cab brake gauge [*]Fixed animation of the cab door, it now slides backwards instead of popping out [*]Fixed coupling animation [*]Fixed the lack of acknowledge “ding” after the AWS warning horn sounds [*]Fixed passenger view rain effects [*]Fixed the door interlock brakes [*]Fixed the Guard’s Vehicle not being present in the Quick Drive editor [*]Fixed incorrect colour of the passenger seats alongside the graphics at the vestibule ends [*]Fixed texture flickering and glitches [*]Fixed the physics and handling including proper Series & Parallel traction operation with a more realistic sluggish acceleration to 40 mph [*]Fixed the Guard signal sounding after doors close [*]Fixed the DSD sound [*]Fixed the volume of the running and engine sounds [*]Added brake snort function and audio [/List] If you own the Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’, the update will download automatically from Steam. If you have any problems/queries with regard to the update, leave a comment below or submit a ticket to our support site where our Support Team will be ready to assist. The Gatwick Express Class 442 ‘Wessex’ update will be approximately 38.7 MB in size.