
Train Simulator Classic 2024 - DLCs

Train Simulator Classic 2024 Rating
Based on 27K reviews
Supported OS Windows
Release Date 17 September 2015
Developers Dovetail Games
Publishers Dovetail Games Dovetail Games - Trains
Sold copies ~ 1,500,000
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About this game   Hardware Requirements
Train Simulator: ÖBB 8633
Released 2 months ago
Train Simulator: EA-692
Released 3 months ago
Train Simulator: ÖBB 8073
Released 9 months ago
87.5 / 100
100 / 100
85.71 / 100
85.71 / 100
46.15 / 100
78.95 / 100
100 / 100
100 / 100
87.5 / 100
92.68 / 100
92.86 / 100
100 / 100
97.44 / 100
Lbms Wagon Pack
Released 1 year ago
100 / 100
Ommi Wagon Pack
Released 1 year ago
100 / 100
50 / 100
100 / 100
85.71 / 100
66.67 / 100
100 / 100
66.67 / 100
93.75 / 100
68.75 / 100
50 / 100
33.33 / 100
BNSF Wagon Pack Add-On
Released 2 years ago
76.19 / 100
100 / 100
45 / 100
92.86 / 100
90.91 / 100
100 / 100
94.44 / 100
86.05 / 100
71.43 / 100
100 / 100
100 / 100
87.5 / 100
D&RGW F7 Add-On Livery
Released 2 years ago
33.33 / 100
80.56 / 100
100 / 100
87.5 / 100
Eaos Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
100 / 100
76.92 / 100
44.44 / 100
100 / 100
100 / 100
100 / 100
82.76 / 100
86.96 / 100
100 / 100
Tagds Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
89.66 / 100
100 / 100
EWS OTA Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
91.67 / 100
75 / 100
58.54 / 100
100 / 100
61.11 / 100
100 / 100
88.89 / 100
71.43 / 100
61.54 / 100
66.67 / 100
87.5 / 100
100 / 100
91.67 / 100
41.18 / 100
100 / 100
31.67 / 100
Class 08 RES Add-On Livery
Released 2 years ago
66.67 / 100
50 / 100
50 / 100
100 / 100
0 / 100
TS Marketplace: Canal Pack
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
100 / 100
81.25 / 100
100 / 100
UK Van Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
UK Mineral Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
UK Coal Wagon Pack
Released 2 years ago
Construction Scenery Pack
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
ATSF Wagon Pack 01
Released 2 years ago
0 / 100
PRR Wagon Pack 01
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
BN Wagon Pack 01
Released 2 years ago
100 / 100
33.33 / 100
76 / 100
100 / 100
91.67 / 100
55 / 100
93.75 / 100
88.89 / 100
66.67 / 100
Baltimore & Ohio Wagon Pack
Released 9 years ago
100 / 100
42.86 / 100
Kijls Wagon Pack
Released 9 years ago
100 / 100
85.71 / 100
79.41 / 100
58.33 / 100
42.31 / 100
44.44 / 100
The Game of Gnomes
Released 9 years ago
89.66 / 100
71.05 / 100
43.75 / 100
70 / 100
92.59 / 100
71.43 / 100
95.65 / 100
76.32 / 100
52.94 / 100
87.5 / 100
80.77 / 100
60 / 100
90.32 / 100
67.65 / 100
89.47 / 100
62.07 / 100
84.21 / 100
85.19 / 100
62.79 / 100
77.78 / 100
54.17 / 100
55.56 / 100
90.91 / 100
100 / 100
78.38 / 100
71.43 / 100
77.78 / 100
82.61 / 100
78.79 / 100

©2024 Dovetail Games, a trading name of Limited (“DTG”). “" and "Dovetail Games" are trademarks or registered trademarks of DTG. All rights reserved. Portions originally developed by Kuju Entertainment Limited in association with F4G Software Limited. Portions ©Kuju Entertainment Limited 2007. Physics engine, PhysX, provided by NVIDIA. Autodesk® Scaleform® software, © 2012 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. American Premier Underwriters, Inc. Official Licensee of Amtrak. Amtrak and Acela are registered service marks of National Railroad Passenger Corporation. The DB and ICE logos are registered trademarks of Deutsche Bahn AG. The ICE 3 is a registered design of Deutsche Bahn AG. Used under licence from First Trenitalia West Coast Rail Ltd. All rights reserved. ÖBB is also a registered trademark of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG. Produced under licence for SCMG Enterprises Ltd. SNCF, TGV and OUIGO are registered trademarks of SNCF. TGV® is the property of SNCF Mobilitiés. All rights of reproduction reserved. Under licence from Transport for Wales. The logos relating to Transport For Wales / Trafnidiaeth Cymru are the trade marks of Transport for Wales. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of the product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited. Developed and published by DTG.