"Touhou Gensou Mahjong” has been updated to v1.2.9. [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the difference between the description and the actual rules/goals in the adventure modes “Heaven - 2” and “Hakugyokurou - 2” [*] Fixed the difference between the description and the judgment of “Hitori uki” in the adventure mode [*] in the adventure mode, the First dealer seat mark was not turned up (showing "East") when the game started in the South wind. [*] Fixed the garbled messages in Star Sapphire's ability. [*] Fixed a case in which the mouse pointer and the button collisions did not match during a game when NDI was turned on. [/list] Thank you for your continued support of “Touhou Gensou Mahjong”.