[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/d50b80dc4204e12fa642eca221f6ab0f96b068bc.jpg[/img] Ubisoft announces a third year of content and support for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. Year 3 will have four Seasons, and eight new operators. There will be come changes to the content of the seasons compared to what was released in the previous years of post-launch support for Rainbow Six. [b]Season 1: Operation Chimera[/b] Year 3 will kick off with a new kind of Operation. We are exploring a new fantasy in Operation Chimera: quarantine and biohazard. The two operators are biohazard specialists from two different countries: France and Russia. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/eb52296848e5bdfd7a7d9479639f4b80def5e27c.jpg[/img] We are also launching our third year of post-launch content with Outbreak, the first major coop event in Rainbow Six Siege. Outbreak will take place over four weeks during Season 1, and will be free-to-play for Rainbow Six Siege owners. It will feature an exclusive collection of cosmetics, which will only be available during the limited time event. [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/999601fd2ba3fbbfc391011db82d1215925ea16f.jpg[/img] There will be a full reveal of both Operation Chimera and Outbreak at the Six Invitational 2018. [b]Season 2[/b] Season 2 will be more traditional Rainbow Six Season. We will have two new Italian GIS Operators, and a new map featuring a brand new location: Italy. [b]Season 3[/b] The two Operators in Season 3 will come from different CTUs: Scotland Yard in the UK, and Delta Force from the US. Additionally, there will be a complete rework of an existing map: considerable changes to level design and art direction. The essence of the map will remain the same, but the gameplay and tactics will be completely different. [b]Season 4[/b] Season 4 will be a classic Season in Rainbow Six Siege. We will have two new operators and a new map featuring a brand new location: Morocco. The two new operators will come from the Moroccan GIGR.