Y8S4.2 Patch Notes
Author: UbiWayfarer,
published 10 months ago,
You can find here the updates and fixes for the Y8S4.2 patch.
[h2]Y8S4.2 Patch Size [/h2]
Find the download sizes for each platform below.
[list][*]Ubisoft Connect: 1.11 GB
[*]Steam: 647 MB
[*]Xbox One: 0.95 GB
[*]Xbox Series X: 1.2 GB
[*]PlayStation 4: 1.55 GB
[*]PlayStation 5: 1.14 GB[/list]
[h3]ACE [/h3]
[list][*]S.E.L.M.A.’s fuse time increased to 4 seconds (from 3.2 seconds) [/list]
[h3]MAVERICK [/h3]
[list][*]Added Smoke Grenades [/list]
[list][*]Added Deployable Shield [/list]
[list][*]Added Bulletproof Camera
[*]Removed Impact Grenades [/list]
[h3]TUBARÃO [/h3]
[list][*]Zoto Canisters decreased to 3 from 4.
[*]Zoto Canisters no longer affect Maverick’s D.I.Y. Blowtorch.
[*]The electrical insulation effect from Zoto Canisters on metallic objects (reinforcements, deployable shield, etc.) will remain for an additional 1.5 seconds after the gadget ends or is destroyed. [/list]
[h3]G-36C [/h3]
[list][*]Increased Vertical and Horizontal Recoil. [/list]
[list][*]Damage reduced to 32 (from 35). [/list]
[list][*]Reduced first shot kick.
[*]Increased lateral recoil. [/list]
[h2]BUG FIXES[/h2]
[h3]GAMEPLAY [/h3]
FIXED – Player spins in place when having connectivity issues.
FIXED – Blur VFX from damage is not properly applied.
FIXED – Player passes through barricades without breaking them when using ballistic shield to break the barricade and switching to a weapon at the same time.
FIXED – Breach charges and deployable gadgets can’t be placed on the window located at EXT Stable Yard on the Villa map.
FIXED – Tubarão’s Zoto Canister speed reduction isn’t applied if Tubarão is eliminated while holding the canister.
FIXED – Flash VFX doesn’t apply when hiding behind Osa’s Talon-8 Clear Shield.
FIXED – Electricity VFX continues to play after moving away from an electrified wall affected by Tubarão’s Zoto Canister and hit with an EMP grenade.
FIXED – Iana’s Gemini Replicator gauge stays red when affected by an electronics interfering device.
FIXED – Azami’s Kiba Barrier occasionally doesn’t stop bullets.
FIXED – Tubarão’s unlock cinematic plays when reaching the main menu after viewing it the first time.
FIXED – Greyed out settings in Options tab don’t default to intended states when status is set to private in Ubisoft Connect.
FIXED – Caveira's Luison Silencer missing skin in the loadout menu when the Mata-Leao legendary uniform is applied.
FIXED – View Menu button doesn’t redirect to the Playlist menu from the News menu.
FIXED – Lair playlist uses the wrong image.
FIXED – Yellow dot from Play Section is not removed after Tutorials tab is viewed.
FIXED – M590A1 shotgun clips through walls with specific skins.
FIXED – Animated tag is missing from item preivew in the shop menu when viewed in full screen.
FIXED – Brightness is lower in the main menu while in offline mode.
FIXED – Compass on drone doesn’t work when viewed in spectator mode.
FIXED – Leave Squad and See Ubisoft Connect Invite buttons do not function properly when leaving a squad.
FIXED – Settings are not retained when using play again option in the home tab after playing a versus AI game.
FIXED – In-game inventory UI does not update when transactions are completed.
FIXED – Osa's idle animation plays for other operators in the Operators tab.
FIXED – Mute buttons aren’t functional when joining a game in progress or reconnecting.
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