[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8328525/af7c5ffddb1a362169dfce4267a7a34105d2ecb2.png[/img] Updates and fixes made over the course of the Y5S4 Test Server. For the full Neon Dawn Patch Notes, follow the link below. [url=https://rainbow6.com/neondawn]Neon Dawn Patch Notes[/url] [h1]Y5S4 PATCH SIZE[/h1] - A larger download will be required for Y5S4 due to a data consolidation. - This is to save disk space, reduce overall build size, and improve loading times for players. - Below you will find the download sizes for each platform. - PC: 60-87GB - Series X: 3.2GB - Xbox One: 35.9GB - PS4: 35.9GB - PS5: 5.38GB [h1]TWEAKS AND IMPROVEMENTS[/h1] [h2]GAME HEALTH[/h2] [h3]Defuser Pickup[/h3] - The defuser pick up interaction that was introduced during the 3.3 update has been deactivated. The defuser prompt will be available later on in Season 4. - Auto-pickup, when walking over the defuser, is still active. [h3]Explosion Haze[/h3] - Explosion haze will be removed from all maps with Y5S4.0 to ensure consistency and reliability, which is not achieved with the current haze system. [h3]Muffled Sounds - Low Health[/h3] - Muffled sounds when players are low in health have been toned down. Players will find themselves at less of a disadvantage in these situations. [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] [h3]GAMEPLAY[/h3] - FIXED – Players are unable to start Training Grounds through matchmaking. - FIXED – Exploit that allowed players to overwrite the game mode, rules, or map in matchmade games. - FIXED – Player can lose control of their character at the end of a round. - FIXED – Several functionality issues present when picking up or attempting to detonate a Nitro Cell. - FIXED – Various matchmaking capabilities when finding another match after a match cancellation and when the player joins a match in progress. - FIXED – Players are able to see the opposing team before joining the match. - FIXED – Deployable gadgets' colliders don't rotate with player perspective. - FIXED – Sticky gadgets are bouncing off of bulletproof gadgets. - FIXED – All players in a game are experiencing FPS drops when a player spins in a specific location on some maps. [h3]LEVEL DESIGN[/h3] - FIXED – Bomb asset has a minor gap visible on all maps. - FIXED – Teamkills with RFF disabled will take effect on the first map with RFF enabled. - FIXED – Various map asset destruction issues. - FIXED – Audio issues are present on various maps. - FIXED – Inconsistent vault prompts found on several maps. - FIXED – Various defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on maps. - FIXED – Gadget deployment issues found on multiple maps. - FIXED – Lighting and mesh issues visible on various maps. - FIXED – Collision issues present on several different maps. [b]CHALET[/b] - FIXED – Ability to use a shield to vault onto the counter in the Piano Room on Chalet map. - FIXED – Glass cannot be properly destroyed in the fridge and cigar cabinet on Chalet map. - FIXED – Operator's legs clip through all the stone walls that surround B Backyard Stairs on Chalet map. [b]CLUBHOUSE[/b] - FIXED – LOS issues on Clubhouse map from 1F Garage to Eastern Sub-roof. [b]SKYSCRAPER[/b] - FIXED – A multitude of LOD issues are present on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Multiple graphic errors can be seen on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Several items can be seen floating on Skyscraper map in specific circumstances. - FIXED – Several items on Skyscraper map are unbreakable. - FIXED – Various clipping and visual gaps on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Kanji appearing on a Bathroom poster should read 雪 月 花 on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – MVP screen brightness makes player names unreadable on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Spawn issues present for Operators, Hostages, and enemies on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Player can navigate onto a window frame in 2F Geisha and have an exploitable line of sight on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – When set to other languages, English language is still displayed for 1F Bedroom Closet on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Drones can get stick or fall out of bounds at multiple locations on Skyscraper map. - FIXED – Missing bomb at 1F Bathroom site on Skyscraper map. [h3]OPERATORS[/h3] - FIXED – Defenders are able to place certain deployable gadgets on bombs. - FIXED – Melee debris and decals sometimes appear before the hit animation. - FIXED – Various clipping and minor animation issues for operator weapons and gear. - FIXED – Melee/knife speed is faster than it should be. - FIXED – Reticle dot/crosshair issues present with several Operator devices. - FIXED – Minor overlay animation issues for Operators and their gadgets. - FIXED – Various issues where it is possible to deploy gadgets on top of one another. [b]ACE[/b] - FIXED – Ace's SELMA is affected by electricity when thrown in a hole covered by electricity. SELMA may fail to detonate a second time. [b]ARUNI[/b] - FIXED – Aruni's melee attack does not break certain surfaces and windows. - FIXED – Surya Gate will not destroy certain gadgets when placed on a destructible wall. - FIXED – Aruni doesn't rotate properly in third person when deploying Surya Gate. - FIXED – Aruni has a greater melee distance than the other operators. - FIXED – Surya Gate can be picked up while overloading or when it's overloaded. [b]CASTLE[/b] - FIXED – If Castle's Armor Panel takes melee damage in the same spot near either side of the door frame, a gap will be present. [b]ECHO[/b] - FIXED – Echo's Yokai drone can become indestructible when attached to a ceiling. - FIXED – Yokai potentially loses SFX while attached to the ceiling if the game is left in the background using ALT-TAB on a PC. [b]HIBANA[/b] - FIXED – Hibana aims weapon sight down automatically when activating pellets. - FIXED – Various functionality and visual issues that occur when using Hibana's X-Kairos. [b]IQ[/b] - FIXED – Visual effects of IQ's Electronics Detector are not visible further than 15 M away. - FIXED – IQ is missing the Razor Holo scope available on their 552 Commando weapon. [b]KAID[/b] - FIXED – Electronics Detector wave effect is still present on Kaid's disabled Electroclaw. [b]KALI[/b] - FIXED – The LV-Lance's spike is passing through a Deployable Shield like it does for a soft wall. [b]MAESTRO[/b] - FIXED – It is possible to destroy an Evil Eye when it is placed on destructible surfaces. [b]MONTAGNE[/b] - FIXED – Several functionality issues with Montagne's shield and guard breaking. [b]MOZZIE[/b] - FIXED – Mozzie's Pest Launcher will not capture a drone when another is within range but out of sight. [b]ORYX[/b] - FIXED – Oryx occasionally shows inconsistent behavior after dashing. - FIXED – Bloody vignette is missing after Oryx passes through a soft wall. [b]TACHANKA[/b] - FIXED – Visual and functionality issues associated with Tachanka's Shumikha Launcher. - FIXED – When Tachanka shoots a Frag Grenade, frag bounce SFX can sometimes play unintentionally. [b]THATCHER[/b] - FIXED – Thatcher's EMP Grenade doesn't disable Clash's CCE Shield electricity. - FIXED – Thatcher does not receive any points when disabling a security camera. [b]VALKYRIE[/b] - FIXED – Users who join a match in progress are unable to tag attackers through Valkyrie's Blackeyes. [b]ZERO[/b] - FIXED – Several visual and audio issues present with Zero's SC3000K. - FIXED – Issues present with Zero's gadget crosshairs during end of round replay when equipping the Argus Launcher. - FIXED – Issues with animation and damage for Zero's cameras. - FIXED – Zero's camera deployment can be heard OffSide. - FIXED – Zero's 5.7 USG has a barrel attachment menu present despite only having the silencer equipped by default. [h3]USER EXPERIENCE[/h3] - FIXED – After finishing a Lone Wolf session, players receive the message "Please Wait, Synchronizing Data" infinitely. - FIXED – "Asset Protection," "Improvise Defense," and "No Intel" enter an infinite loading screen if they are started as soon as the game is installed on the console. - FIXED – Ultrawide ratio (32:9) is no longer supported since Y5S3 release. - FIXED – Maps votes are registering if players interact with player profiles through scoreboard when it is open as an overlay. - FIXED – The user's screen may turn blank after the Operator Selection Phase. - FIXED – The low health sound and proximity alarm can be heard repeating multiple times in particular circumstances. - FIXED – Season graphics are not currently optimized for 4K screens. - FIXED – The Skill distribution chart does not appear in the Skill tab of the Ranked info section. - FIXED – In support mode, the weapon reticle and crosshair remains on the drone HUD in the Preparation Phase. - FIXED – Various key binding/control issues on PC and consoles. - FIXED – Several issues present for players in both voice and text chat. - FIXED – Cosmetic and texture issues present with charms, uniforms, headgears, weapons, and attachments. - FIXED – Various caster/spectator HUD improvements and updates. - FIXED – Various Menu UI improvements and fixes, including language on bans. - FIXED – Various UI and store visual issues for items in game. - FIXED – When creating a Custom Game playlist, House is the only map currently available for selection. Several customization settings are also missing. - FIXED – Scoring message is the same for both destroying and disabling a Nitro Cell. - FIXED – Several UI issues present with Operator and item icons in game. - FIXED – Functionality and UI issues present within the Options menu. - FIXED – Currency Packs and Digital Content tabs cannot be accessed in the Store on PS4. - FIXED – Previously equipped customization assets remain equipped in the save file even if the asset isn't owned by the user. - FIXED – Loading icon will be present during the Map Ban Phase until the map is decided. - FIXED – Dead player pings are not replicated in Spectator mode. - FIXED – Partially destroyed barricade obstructs the victory screen for most of the duration. - FIXED – Kill Feed shows a placeholder skull for some operators if they perform kills with their gadget.