[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8328525/061461c9a42e18a905a2ee60475f207ff432e806.png[/img] Please see our [url=http://rainbow6.com/yn_dny5s12]Designer's Notes[/url] for more insight on the balancing changes coming with the update. [h1]UPDATE[/h1] Update - the quick match map pool will remain the same throughout Y5S1 and will rotate again in Y5S2. [h1]BALANCING[/h1] [h2]BUCK[/h2] [i]With you til the end of the line.[/i] [list][*] Frag Grenades replaced with Claymores. [*] Increased Skeleton Key Magazine Capacity:[/list] [olist][*] Skeleton Key magazine capacity increased to 5 + 1 [*] Skeleton Key max ammo count is now 25+1[/olist] [h2]GOYO[/h2] [i]Less is more.[/i] [list][*] Reduced number of Volcán shields to 2 (down from 3).[/list] [h2]JÄGER[/h2] [i]Less of a pain-in-the-schnitzel.[/i] [list][*] Now a 2-speed/2-armor operator.[/list] [h2]MOZZIE[/h2] [i]Still a shortie.[/i] [list][*] Removed Super Shorty secondary.[/list] [h2]YING[/h2] [i]Lights, Camera, Action![/i] [list][*] Increased number of Candelas to 4 (up from 3). [*] Replaced Claymores with Smoke Grenades. [*] Increased T-95 LSW damage to 46 (up from 43).[/list] [h2]M12 (CAVEIRA)[/h2] [list][*] Added a Razor Holographic Sight option to her M12.[/list] [h2]TCSG12 (KAID, GOYO)[/h2] [list][*] Added an additional magazine to the TCSG12. [*] Reduced TCSG12 damage to 57 (down from 84).[/list] [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] FIXED – Barricade replication issues where the barricade is not destroyed for all players in game except the shooter. FIXED – The Dynamic Play button does not update properly when last match was on an Event/Discovery playlist. FIXED – Players can clip inside the excavator in EXT Construction Site of Oregon. FIXED – Game boots with DX11 when players manually select the Vulkan executable in the steam installation folder. FIXED – Minor menu/shop visual and cosmetic fixes. FIXED – Lighting issue on Consulate map.