Author: Ubi_Aspira,
published 5 years ago,
The Y4S3.2 patch features an update to the surrender feature, a fix for a bug with attacker/defender side assignment bias, and various other bug fixes. The patch is scheduled to deploy to PC on October 8th.
[*] Surrender now requires a unanimous vote.
[*] Surrender feature is now only available if the team is currently losing in rounds.
[*] Surrender is still only available starting with the 3rd
In hostage mode, anyone who detonates a Volcan shield is now responsible for any explosive damage it does once the hostage is picked up. Prior to hostage pick up Goyo is still responsible.
[*] FIXED – Fixed an issue with Attacker side logic bias during lobby creation. Attacker and Defender side assignment is now completely random
[*] FIXED – Users are able to vault over an operator with extended shield if that operator stays between a player and a vault prompt.
[*] FIXED – Players can get stuck in the leaning position after ADSing when Lean to Hold is on.
[*] FIXED – Defenders can keep using their camera when a logic bomb is activated.
[*] FIXED – Players sometimes do not receive a matchmaking penalty if they cancel right as the match begins.
[*] FIXED – Defuser can sometimes disappear if an attacker is killed immediately after it is secured.
[*] FIXED – Alibi’s Prisma animation outline remains after players collide with it.
[*] FIXED – Ash’s breaching round is not destroyed when used on barbed wire with an active Bandit Battery.
[*] FIXED – Goyo can complete deployment of his Volcan shield before gauge bar has completed.
[*] FIXED – Goyo’s Volcan shield clips with operators when forcing collision with the shield while prone between the shield and other props/walls.
[*] FIXED – Replication for Hibana’s X-Kairos destruction pattern is inconsistent between clients.
[*] FIXED – Electricity VFX disappears when the reinforced wall on which Kaid’s Rtila is deployed is shot at.
[*] FIXED – Maestro's turret movement SFX remains for users that are still spectating his camera after he leaves it.
[*] FIXED – Maestro’s Evil Eye will sometimes shift position if another player is moving and spectating another camera and suddenly switches to the Evil Eye.
[*] FIXED – Players can sometimes change between ADS and non-ADS when Monty’s shield is out.
[*] FIXED – Mozzie drone SFX remains after being destroyed.