The Rainbow Six Siege Year Three pass, giving owners seven-day early access to eight new operators from Russia, France, Italy, the UK, the US, and Morocco, is now available for purchase.   

The pass also includes access to eight exclusive uniforms and headgear, a Rainbow Six charm that can be attached to weapons, 600 R6 credits to spend in the in-game store, and one year of "VIP Perks" good until January 31, 2019: A ten percent discount in the shop, a five percent Renown boost, and an Alpha Pack boost.   

Owners of the Year Two pass will get a bonus 600 R6 credits on top of everything else, and purchasing the pass prior to March 5, 2018 will also get you the Damascus Steel Signature weapon skin. It goes for $30/£27/€30 on Steam and the Ubisoft Store.