A new map is headed to Rainbow Six Siege, according to footage released by Siege leaker RolyNoly1. 'Stadium' is set in a stadium, and appears to borrow elements from the original Heresford Base map. The leaker indicates that Stadium is part of a Six Invitational 2020 event, so likely won't join the permanent map roster.
The Six Invitational takes place in Canada this February, where Ubisoft will spill details on its Year 5 plans. Greece has long been rumoured to be the origin of the next round of operators (and potentially, a new map). The community is definitely ready for a brand new map – the last new map, not including reworks, released in March with the Operation Burnt Horizon season.
As for the present, the fourth and final season of Year 4 rolled out last week in the form of Shifting Tides, which introduced two new operators in the form of Wamai and Kali, as well as limb penetration.