Patch 2.1.1 PatchNotes
Author: UbiSurulies,
published 7 years ago,
[B]Patch 2.1.1 will be deployed on Tuesday, February 21st on all platforms.[/B]
[B]High Impact Fixes[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players sometimes spawn with the point of view of a distant camera.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Player sometimes spawns as immobile drone, which carries over to the action phase.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Black Mirror can be activated from the front.
[B]Fixed –[/B] When Mira’s OWM is placed on a reinforced wall, defenders can melee X-KAIROS pellets, exothermic charge or any other gadgets on the other side of the glass.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Teammates killing themselves on Exothermic Charges, X-KAIROS charges, and claymores registered as a team kill.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Operators’ skin textures in headgear pictures and character model preview are low-resolution.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Diamond weapon skin can only be applied to Mira and Jackal.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Diamond weapon skin unavailable in Shop.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The “heavy breathing” from DBNO Operators lingers after being revived.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The client will crash at the splash screen when signing out from an account in the switch profile menu.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players teleport briefly after joining a game in progress.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Team kills recorded incorrectly if a teammate leaves a match then rejoins.
[B]Fixed –[/B] When afflicted by Yokai’s drone while using a camera, player could no longer switch back.
[B]Fixed –[/B] It’s impossible to crouch and melee at the same time.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players are able to spot enemies with jammed drones.
[B]Game Mode[/B]
[B]Terrorist Hunt[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Bomb A and Bomb B icons do not appear at the top of the HUD.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Bombers are missing waist level textures.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Location Pings persist on the map after the Terrorist has died.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Bomber pathing is obstructed by Barricades.
[B]Fixed –[/B] One squad member doesn’t follow the others when joining a Terrorist Hunt match.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The sound propagation from Defuser planting is too low.
[B]Fixed –[/B] When disabling the Defuser, Operator’s hands are offset.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Timer and infinite time symbol are missing on the HUD.
[B]Secure Area[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] The final Defender cannot remain in a DBNO state while contesting the objective.
[B]Caster Camera[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Operator Icons turn white after switching between players in 1[SUP]st[/SUP] person view.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Teammates are not highlighted if the player had previously spectated a custom game session.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Caster View can appear broken depending on which floor is being viewed.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Surrender option remains on the scoreboard if the caster previously initiated a surrender vote.
[B]Custom Game[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Error "4-0xFFF0BDC0" was received when a player attempted to join an Online Custom Game.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Error 3-0x000A0002 was received when a player attempted to create a Custom Dedicated Match.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Black Mirror is sometimes able to be placed in a way that blocks a nearby doorway.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The Black Mirror canister cannot be interacted with.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Improper behavior of wall during destruction of walls with metal beams in the middle when using the Black Mirror device.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Weapon Charms clip through Mira’s hand.
[B]Fixed –[/B] While the Eyenox device is active, Jackal is unable to see the red light on active Cameras.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Eyenox prevents Jackal from seeing red lights on active cameras.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Grouping system on “C7E” rifle inaccurate on PS4 versus PC.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Breaching charges can fail to detonate if detonated immediately after a Cluster Charge.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Cluster Charge grenades have no collision with Operators when the player is positioned near the wall where the gadget is deployed.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Cluster Charge is able to be destroyed by Thatcher’s EMP Grenade.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Player is no longer able to control Fuze after detonating two cluster charges.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The operator will lose the functionality for the X-KAIROS launcher if the reload action is interrupted by a "Welcome Mat" being triggered.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
[B]Fixed –[/B] On night maps, Hibana’s X-KAIROS pellets create a glittering effect when triggered. Party’s over everybody.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The Hovering Drone is unable to enter Weapon Mode if placed underneath the torso of any operator.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Yokai Drone will sometimes lose signal when attacking to some parts of the roof on Oregon.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
[B]Fixed –[/B] EDD’s laser vanishes if Kapkan is hit by Yokai’s disrupt while picking up gadget.
[B]Fixed –[/B] PDA has incorrect reflection visual effects.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The extended shield of Montagne disappears while in prone and looking from a certain angle.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Once Montagne made a melee attack, his right hand clips trough his shield while deploying it.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The Legendary Texan Dynamite charge persists for several seconds after it has been destroyed.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Magpie is missing audio and visual effects when a grenade is thrown towards it.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Black Eyes are not properly attaching to walls when tossed at a frame.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.
[B]Fixed –[/B] EDF detects Fuze’s Cluster Charge pucks.
[B]Fixed –[/B] A flickering prompt appears in the upper left corner of the screen.
[B]Level Design[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Vaulting does not work on the 1F Outside (South side).
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Narrow wall in Kitchen Spawn that requires two reinforced walls to cover.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Door frame in Dorm Main Hall disappears at range.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Sofa disappears at ranged in Master Bedroom.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Metal information plates disappear at range in Watch Tower.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Plates hanging on the walls disappear at range.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Jacuzzi is not fully skinned.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Blue flickering after player’s spawn in on Terrorist Hunt.
[B]Fixed –[/B] LOD on amplifier and candles at Chapel.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] River Docks is not fully skinned.
[B]Hereford Base[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Small gap in the floor next to the door frame.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Various LOD fixes.
[B]User Experience[/B]
[B]Fixed –[/B] Gradient is applied over top of the tabs in the menu.
[B]Fixed –[/B] There is no error message displayed when offline and selecting “Multiplayer”.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for headgear on Thatcher.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Missing thumbnail picture for Doc’s uniform.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Menu’s disappear after changing the menu language and accepting a party invite at the same time.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for multiple Blackbeard headgears.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Information about Doc’s Unique Gadget is incomplete.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Creneau headgear for Rook.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Robin headgear for Blitz.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Scrolling through the shop with the mouse wheel only works when hovering over an item.
[B]Fixed –[/B] When running with a weapon, Operator’s arms are misplaced.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Tokeiso and Gunba Weapon Charm names and descriptions are swapped.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players sometimes encounter their MMR reading as 4294267187 when they are a Copper 3.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Previewing Universal Charms zooms into the wrong part of a weapon.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Under rare circumstances, the main menu will disappear.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players are not able to confirm their spot in Dedicated Custom Matches.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Ryuko Weapon Skin does not properly apply to the UMP 45.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Aki No Tsuru Weapon Skin does not properly apply to certain weapons.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistencies between time played and time registered by the game statistics.
[B]Fixed –[/B] “Full Roster” achievement not awarded after unlocking all Operators.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Icons appearing as placeholder for certain charms.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The “Ralphie” Christmas skin not appearing properly for players who completed the event.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Operator’s facial expression animations in headgear and preview were incorrect. (BDU view will be fixed in 2.1.2)
[B]Fixed –[/B] Mira’s chibi charm appeared low quality.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Buying the GEO Traje De Luces bundle doesn’t unlock the Chaquetilla skin for the PDW9.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Doc and Rook have identical Red Crow headgear and were embarrassed to show up at parties wearing the same accessories.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Placeholder texture spotted on Castle’s default headgear glasses.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Rook’s Red Crow headgear is identical to his default headgear when previewed or equipped in the Album and Shop.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Name incorrect for the Y1 – 8 Operators bundle on the Russian client.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Inconsistency between characters’ eyes in headgear preview and thumbnails.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Pro League All Gold Sets Uniforms textures not applied to Operators in first person view.
[B]Fixed –[/B] If 15 items are present in Digital Content, the last one will appear cut off.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Weapons with certain sights are not aligned.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The M590A1 iron sight is not properly aligned with the red dot.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The AR33 reflex sight is misaligned.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The AR33 holo sight is misaligned.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Girih weapon skin is missing across all weapons.
[B]Fixed –[/B] During game data installation process, the Operators tab is inactive although it has a yellow notification dot underneath it, teasing you.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Resolution inconsistencies with DJ GSG9 bundle.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Broken selection control in the Currency Packs menu.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Fade is missing on both sides of the screen when viewing Operators in full-screen in Album and Shop.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Valkyrie’s Overlord headgear has a placeholder thumbnail image.
[B]Fixed –[/B] KT Banshee P.D. headgear for Doc has the same texture as the Dust Line headgear.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The text written on the Mix Tape charm is in low resolution.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The Saint-Jean Bundle description doesn’t mention the name of the charm.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Several Bushido payment confirmation pop-ups have placeholder banners.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Several Bundles have placeholder presentation images.
[B]Fixed –[/B] The Headgear preview shows a headgear that is not in the game.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Black textures visible on Fuze KT Raid Camo Uniform’s thumbnail.
[B]Fixed –[/B] Players are able to circumvent certain intended functionality through the use of the Quick Join button.