Author: Ubi_P4in,
published 6 years ago,
In Operation Para Bellum, two G.I.S. Operators thrive under the blaze of the Tuscan sun. Team Rainbow is deploying Maestro and Alibi in the villa of one of the most dangerous crime families.
Year Three Season Two brings a breath of innovation, spawning a new intel gadget, a Clubhouse map buff, an Echo buff, lots of gameplay fixes, and the Pick & Ban settings.
Release Date: Currently available on Technical Test Servers.
[h1]2 NEW OPERATORS[/h1]
For Operation Para Bellum, Team Rainbow recruits two of G.I.S.’ finest: Maestro and Alibi.
The new Operators are immediately unlocked when Season launches for Season Pass owners, with exclusive access granted for seven days. All players can then unlock the Operators with Renown or R6 Credits after the exclusive period ends
[h1]NEW MAP : VILLA[/h1]
Operation Para Bellum launches our 20th map: a luxurious Tuscan villa. No riches were spared to offer our most tactical map to date. The house provides diverse options with its wide staircases, narrow tunnels, and secret hatches. The illusion of cover haunts whoever sets foot in the villa.
The land belongs to the Vinciguerra, a dangerous crime family known for their smuggling activities. The house is their retreat, where they lead a lavish lifestyle and collect rare art pieces. Now we catch the villa in a snapshot of time: Vinciguerras are burning documents and transporting their holdings before the big raid. But they’ve got wind of Operation Para Bellum and fled, leaving everything in disarray with vital information ready for the taking.
In Operation Para Bellum, we celebrate the Italian artisanship of weapon fabbrikas. Our seasonal weapon skins Carnevale, Renaissance, Ancient Marble, and SPQR will bring that refinement to your Loadout.
Once unlocked, the seasonal weapon skins can be applied on all available weapons until the end of the Season.
Our Level Artists and Designers were asked, three years later, to revisit Clubhouse and bring it to new heights. They were pumped to step up to the plate, now armed with years of know-how and a series of advanced tools. Their mission was to improve the course of the map by fixing what forced Defenders into high-risk low-reward situations.
First, our Designers added a connector between the bedroom and the cash room to open up the flow of the map. Defenders can now move between buildings on the second floor without being forced to go outside. The objective locations were also targeted for balancing. The Designers added a staircase in the garage, subdivided the bar, added a bathroom to sneak past the bar, and removed some hatches on the rooftop so that players could circulate more freely.
Second, Designers monitored closely how the community adopted the map through the years with the arrival of new gadgets. It was essential to examine how players actually used the map to make sure it still “felt” like clubhouse when buffed. Our Designers wanted to honor the players’ progress and investments. Plus, it made them see their creations anew. For instance, when a Level Artist created a new staircase in the basement, a Level Designer mentioned that the community nicknamed the area “Blue Room.” The Artist played up the reference, adorning the wall with a navy banner and planted blue flares on the path that led to the staircase.
Lastly, the map buff was the perfect opportunity for the Artists to polish their initial work from three years ago; a rare treat. They reworked textures, diversified materials, dramatized the skydome, added lighting, and infused the map with the presence of unseen bikers.
As our first map buff, we look forward to watching you play on our Technical Server, and to collect your feedback on R6 Fix.
A detailed breakdown of the reasoning behind all balancing changes can be found in our [url=]Designer’s Notes: Pre-Season [/url]article.
[*]Now has 2 Yokai Drones
[*]Max charges per Yokai drone reduced from 3 to 2
[*]Recharge time between drone shots increased to 20 seconds
[*]3 Speed Operators slightly slower
[*]1 Speed Operators slightly faster
[*]Small increase to movement speed with handguns out
- Automatic sidearms (SMG-11, SMG-12, etc) excluded
First announced at the Six Invitational, Pick and Ban will be revolutionizing the selection process of Operators. We are first introducing Pick and Ban into custom game options with the launch of Year 3 Season 2, and it will be a highlighted feature during the following Pro League season.
[url=]Pick and Ban - Caster Flow[/url]
More details about the Pick and Ban feature can be found in the [url=]Dev Blog: Pick and Ban[/url].
The Bulletproof Camera is a secondary gadget that will be given to the following six Defenders.
[*][b]Frost[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Deployable Shield.
[*][b]Doc[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Deployable Shield.
[*][b]Mute[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Deployable Shield.
[*][b]Castle[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Deployable Shield.
[*][b]Caveira[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Barbed Wire.
[*][b]Vigil[/b] – Bulletproof Camera instead of Barbed Wire.
This new device will allow them to have more options to hold an objective and counter some attack strategies. More details about the Bullet Proof camera can be found in this [url=]Dev Blog: Observation Tool and Bullet Proof camera[/url].
Starting with Year 3 Season 2, Defenders will use a hacking device instead of a melee animation to disable the Defuser. We wanted to improve the visual and audio feedback with this new animation to provide more clarity when a Defender is interacting with the Defuser. It is important to note that the interaction distance and conditions will remain the same.
The [url=]Counter Defuser Dev Blog[/url] contains more information on these changes.
Right now, players need to perform multiple actions to reach the drone or camera they want to use – especially if they want to switch between two active observation tools (i.e. if Twitch wants to swap between piloting her first and second drone). As such, we have overhauled the Observation Tool system, with a new UI, and granting players better control over how they switch from camera to camera.
You can learn more about the [url=]Observation Tool changes in the Observation Tool and Bullet Proof Camera Dev Blog[/url].
We have adjusted the player experience when leaning from one side to the other. A method could be used to shift from one side to the other more quickly than intended by using a combination of keys. You will now switch smoothly from left to right, and vice versa, without the need to utilize additional key presses.
[h1]GAME HEALTH[/h1]
We are implementing a numerical refactor process with slight adjustments to the existing scoring system for Operators. The goal is to balance the current system to have every Operator potentially winning a similar amount of score per round, from completing near-identical actions.
A full breakdown of the scoring changes can be found in our [url=]article on scoring[/url].
We have increased the resolution to 1728p on the Xbox One X, and 1440p on the PlayStation 4 Pro, while maintaining 50% render scaling (same as before). We are currently working on dynamically increasing the render scaling when performance allows it. This will allow for better render quality in low-complexity scenes, while maintaining 60 fps at all times by adjusting the render scaling dynamically. We do not have an ETA for when this additional dynamic render scaling will be implemented.
[b]VOICE CHAT (PC)[/b]
We have altered how we detect your microphone on Windows. We will now utilize your “Default Communications Device” as opposed to your “Default Device”. This will allow players to have easier control over their desired communication device.
If you are encountering issues with microphone detection in game, please check your Windows recording settings.
With the addition of the new Italian map, we will be making some changes to the Ranked and Casual playlist. We will have 11 maps in the Ranked rotation, and 17 in the Casual playlist, and all maps will be available in Custom Games.
[*][b]Theme Park[/b]
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Claymore mines cannot be deployed while standing parallel, right next to a wall.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Defender is able to defuse the bomb from a floor underneath if close enough.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Operators can vault over a deployable shield to clip inside the hostage.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - In certain spots, bullets can pass through a reinforced and an indestructible wall.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - When attempting to perform a tactical reload, entering or exiting prone stance cancels reloading.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Some deployable gadgets cannot be picked up if you are very close to them.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Sound of drones cuts off in first person following certain steps.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Wall deployable Gadgets, such as Jager's ADS, are not be automatically destroyed when destroying the object it is attached to.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Barbed wire can be deployed through barricades.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Defenders lose the round if the attacker leaves the room while the objective is contested with the securing slider loaded at 100%.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - It is possible to melee shield operators through their shield when approaching from a particular angle.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Operator models can appear in 2D and not receive any damage.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Players can clip through walls and barricades in multiple spots.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Batteries are not destroyed by any kind of explosive when installed on a reinforced trapdoor.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Caveira is able to reload while sprinting in Silent Step.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Black Eyes can be placed in unintended spots to see through the map.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Doc's Emergency Rescue Headgear is corrupted and equipping it distorts the entire character model.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Concussion Mine effect can go through barricades, Castle barricades and bare reinforcements.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Black Mirror does not destroy pictures properly while being deployed on certain spots.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Mira's One Way Mirror can disappear when close to a wall.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Blue border does not appear in the kill cam and support views if Finka used her boost right after the kill.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - If a player leaves while Twitch's drones are out, the drones will disappear.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Twitch drone doesn't show ammo count nor cooldown for the taser.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Welcome Mats can be hidden after performing a series of actions.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - If IQ's gadget is activated, she can detect electronics while doing other actions like cooking a grenade.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Electronics are not highlighted on the edge of the detector.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Jager's ADS can be deployed and hidden through certain structures.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Tachanka's LMG shield is inconsistent and players can be shot through it.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Defenders can throw gadgets outside through the small window at 1F Detention during the preparation phase.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Wall sections float after an operator destroys them.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Frost traps clip through the cable protectors located in 1F Server Room making them partially invisible.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Players do not receive any damage after detonating a nitro cell near the flower pot at "2F Bedroom Hallway" area.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Defenders are detected if they stand in the doorframe between Basement Hallway and Church.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Players take fatal fall damage when vaulting off the AC unit from EXT Western Roof.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Players can hide behind a TV of B Memorial Room.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Drones can clip in the stairs of EXT Kennels and see through textures.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Players will experience FPS drops after performing a series of actions.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – It is possible to shoot between two reinforced walls in 2F Bedroom Hallway.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – The defuser can be planted or the container can be secured from 2F Bathroom while the objective is in 2F Bedroom.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – The floor between Bedroom Hallway and Central Hallway allow bullets to pass through.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – There is a gap under the Ext Eastern Sub-Roof wall that gives Attackers a line of sight to the floor below.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Nitro cell deals no damage when exploding on the stairs of the 1F Bar.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Breach Charges will destroy only the first layer of the wall in the Basement Hallway area.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Objective not discovered when aiming towards it from the Ruins.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Placing cluster charges in specific spots on Consulate will kill Fuze.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Certain areas of House are too dark when viewed from the outside.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Drones can clip into walls at 3F Cigar Lounge and scan through the whole map
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Yokai loses signal on 1F Haunted Stairs.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Gadget placement on floor is too restricted in 1F Tea Room
[*][b]Fixed[/b] - Players will not receive any damage if they plant a C4 on the unfinished Northeast wall of the "Dining Hall Corridor".
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Empty usernames appear in the scoreboard.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – 3-0x000A0013 error is received if a player accepts an invite to an already started custom game.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Drones do not register slow mouse movements.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – In some cases, players will receive a "Game Full" error when matchmaking.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – A yellow dot is displayed under the operators tab.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Voice chat icon remains active after a team member stops speaking.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – The game will randomly crash with a Ryzen CPU setup.
[*][b]Fixed[/b] – Players are unable to rejoin their Ranked game after a maintenance.