
When content creators first got their hands on Operation Shadow Legacy, they quickly dubbed it as Siege 2.0. The new operation, which adds Sam Fisher of Splinter Cell fame to the fray as Zero, also brings a whole load of changes which is set to change the way we play the tactical shooter forever.

While many online have spent the last few days arguing over the accuracy of nickname Siege 2.0, it's undeniable that this new season of content, which is set for full release next month, is an absolute game changer. Where players once had problems trying to communicate with random teammates, Ubisoft has provided new ways to counter those frustrations - whether that's with a community pool of reinforcements or an updated ping system.

You see, for a five year old game that boasts more than 60 million players, Siege still has a few niggling problems. With new operators introduced to the game every few months, balancing Siege's arsenal of weapons and abilities becomes more and more difficult. Add to that problems with choke points on maps, communication issues, and accessibility complaints, Siege's tactical gameplay can be infuriating for some.

Read the rest of the story...

Maverick gets an extra gas canister in Rainbow Six Siege's upcoming operation
Rainbow Six Siege's new ping system arrives with Operation Shadow Legacy
Rainbow Six Siege's match replay will be tested in Operation Shadow Legacy