[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/52d78bbbf3d656b88060635ca792d9f5762271b9.jpg[/img] "Operation Phantom Sight is coming our way, and it brings with it two haunting operators, Nøkk and Warden. Both of them greatly skilled specialists, they bring Rainbow Six to new heights with a steadfast and dangerous approach. Phantom Sight also brings with it a refreshing rework of Kafe Dostoyevsky. Additionally, there are a few gameplay updates worthy of mention. The Reverse Friendly Fire feature is getting an upgrade, and the shop is being refined even more, while the Ranked playlist is also seeing quite a few changes. [url=rainbow6.com/phantomsight_patchnotes_steam]View Patch Note.[/url]