Rainbow Six Siege is about to head into Year 4 Season 4 in what's been called Operation Shifting Tides. In accordance with tradition, this will introduce two new operators, and new operators means cool new gadgets to try out.

While we don't know a whole lot about the new operators yet, Ubisoft has gone ahead and given us a taste of the kits they'll be bringing to the field. The video above shows off a test chamber with both.

One of the gadgets is rifle round for the CSRX-300 which makes a basketball-sized hole in a couple normal walls. The round will be part of new operator Kali's loadout, along with a breaching charge fired from the underbarrel grenade launcher. This, it seems, can tunnel through reinforced walls, making Kali a new hard breacher.

The other new operator, Wamai, has a magnetic projectile interception system, which is an interesting piece of kit. This attaches to walls and can catch certain projectiles, freezing them in midair. 

We'll all find out more about the next Rainbow Six Siege season during the Pro League Finals November 10.