[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/cdae5d0f653a1ce2ec467cab2fcca6d2f1a6aaa4.png[/img] We have compiled the many variables involved in weapon FOV and input sensitivity on PC in order to ensure everyone understands how to get their perfect sensitivity. Weapon Field of View (FOV) is modified differently depending on which weapon and optic you have equipped. When aiming down sights, each optic type changes your FOV based on a specific modifier. [url=https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-gb/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:154-346294-16&ct=tcm:154-76770-32]Read the full article on the official website.[/url]