We’re about halfway through Rainbow Six Siege Year 3’s first season, Operation Chimera, so now's a good time to sit down and lay out everything we know about the new operators coming in Season 2. Ubisoft historically doesn't reveal information about new characters before they’re good and ready, but they're also slightly notorious for leaks, and a combination of data mining and some detective work has already done a lot of the work for them. Let’s dive in.

MX4 Storm


Other stuff worth knowing

  • Earlier this year, Ubisoft announced that Siege would be receiving a pick and ban system to make matches a bit more interesting. While the system won’t make it into the Casual and Ranked modes in Season 2, it will be available in Custom Matches and become the standard for the Pro League. Before the match begins, each team will take turns banning two operators each, one attacker and one defender, totaling to four.
  • Since Ubisoft announced that they won’t be doing bigger Midseason Reinforcement patches moving forward, we can expect the major changes that would usually come around now to arrive in Season 2. This typically includes things like operator reworks and large bundles of bug fixes.
  • Clubhouse will be the first map to get what the developers are calling a “map buff.” The overhaul includes a lot fundamental changes—the pool table in Bar will become its own separated room, the Cash Room and Master Bedroom will be joined and enclosed by what is currently the outside landing area, and the Armory will have a new set of stairs in the Blue Hallway that links back up to the Garage entrance.