[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/b5c0c4b27104cca1ef5af18b3d7abd1c4a9833c7.jpg[/img] Last week, we announced which teams were invited to the new edition of the Rainbow Six Brazilian [url=http://www.ubiesports.com/pc/news/season-1-ano-2-esta-chegando/]Pro League[/url]. On the European and North American side, eight invitations were distributed to teams who competed throughout Year 1 and earned themselves a coveted spot in the new format of the Rainbow Six Pro League. Beginning with top talents who proved themselves during the Six Invitational: [h1]Continuum[/h1] It seemed only fitting that the very first Six Invitational winners should receive an invitation. The team & all its players have been part of the Rainbow Six Pro League from the very beginning and have been on the top level since the R6PL Season 3. Led by Canadian, Continuum has shown the usual skills of the NA scene with an incredible talent for strategy & counter-strat. [h1]eRa Eternity[/h1] This team fought their way to the grand finals of the Six Invitational by taking down Envy and GiFu. They only fell to Continuum in the grand finale, proving themselves to be worthy adversaries and top competitors. eRa Eternity stepped into the world of Rainbow Six: Siege in early January of 2017. Their line-up consists of many well-known and experienced players, including some who took part in many Season Finals and Rainbow Six Pro League. [h1]GiFu[/h1] The Finnish squad has been with us since the very beginning of the Rainbow Six: Siege pro scene. Willkey & co. have never missed a single LAN event of the Pro League. GiFu (pronounced: “SEE-SOO”) has not always been the best team, but they have been the best in one key category: consistency. In three seasons, GiFu has grinded for their spot for the Seasonal finals all three times, showing off not only their skills but also their ability to stay strong for as long as the Pro League exists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlbCwDHiLJI Three more European squads have also been invited to the competition: PENTA Sports (the team was our R6PL Season 1 Champions and two of their players are still remaining), Yunktis (the R6PL Season 2 Champions) and Team Vitality (R6PL Season 3 Finalists, previously known as Playing Ducks). Joining the North American division will be: FlipSid3 Tactics (R6PL Season 2 Semi-Finalists) and Onslaught (previously known as Ferocity). During the online stage of the Rainbow Six Pro League Season 3 those teams ended up in 3rd and 4th places in the standings respectively. [h1]NA Invited teams:[/h1][list][*]eRa Eternity[/*][*]Continuum[/*][*]FlipSid3 Tactics[/*][*]Onslaught[/*][/list][h1]EU Invited teams:[/h1][list][*]GiFu[/*][*]PENTA Sports[/*][*]Yunktis[/*][*]Team Vitality[/*][/list] The Rainbow Six Pro League Season 1 Year 2 will kick off on March 13th. Eight PC teams will take part in competition in each of three featured regions: Brazil, Europe, and North America. [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/5fcd1ec5818f3dfacec866d0ebd2142fe0c8bb4d.jpg[/img] For the latest updates, follow Rainbow Six on [url=https://www.facebook.com/rainbow6usa/]Facebook[/url] and [url=https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game]Twitter[/url]. For additional information about the Rainbow Six Pro League follow the official account on [url=http://www.twitter.com/r6proleague]Twitter[/url].