[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8328525/0745fd27f0647a5177c4aab65dd329873b86c1cc.jpg[/img] [b]Updated: 29th October 2019[/b] We wanted to update you on the DDoS/DoS article that was shared a few weeks ago, [url=https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-gb/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:154-355369-16&ct=tcm:154-76770-32]Click Here[/url] to read up on this again. [h1]RESULTS[/h1] The deployment and delivery of our previously communicated plan has resulted in a [b]93% drop in the frequency of DDoS/DoS attacks[/b]. While this is a huge improvement, we are committed to continuing our work on strengthening the network infrastructure to prevent further attacks. We are also improving our automated monitoring that detects people initiating attacks to populate DDoS Ban Waves. [h1]CURRENT STATUS[/h1] Below you will find updates on the status of action items outlined previously. [b]BAN WAVES[/b] With the DDoS/DoS ban wave process for both PC and Console now in place, we plan to continue these in the future as needed. [u]Status: COMPLETE[/u] [b]REDUCING MATCHES PER SERVER[/b] [u]Status: COMPLETE[/u] [b]REMOVE ESCALATING ABANDON SANCTION[/b] [u]Status: COMPLETE[/u] We are in the process of determining the best time to reintroduce this feature, as the DDoS attacks have lessened considerably. [b]NETWORK TRAFFIC MONITORING/MANAGEMENT[/b] [u]Status: COMPLETE[/u] [b]LEGAL ACTION[/b] Cease and desists to websites and people hosting these services. [u]Status: ONGOING[/u] Legal action against prominent DDoS/DoS attackers, and cheat makers. [u]Status: CLAIMS FILED[/u] [b]WORKING WITH MICROSOFT PARTNERS[/b] Development is ongoing with our partners on the Microsoft Azure team, and we are working closely with them to develop both short and long term solutions. [u]Impact:[/u] This will have a substantial impact on DDoS, DoS, Soft Booting, and server stressing. [u]Status: IN TESTING[/u]