[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//8328525/a35c65cf011ee7ca1efbb0c189fa2252eee9646f.png[/img] Kicking off 2021, all of us at Rainbow Six Siege are proud to introduce Crimson Heist, a season that gears players up for the ultimate heist. A new Operator is joining our ranks: the sly and tactical Flores, an Attacker from Argentina who knows how to mix precision and passion. He brings the RCE-Ratero Charge, a remote-controlled charge, with a timed explosion, that sneaks up on unsuspecting opponents. Crimson Height is an action-packed season that offers reworks of the Border map and Newcomer playlist, a new secondary weapon, and plenty of other exciting additions. Are you ready to get the stash? Keep reading the Patch Notes below to discover more. [url=rainbow6.com/crimsonheist_steam]View Patch Notes[/url]