[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/1a0c6f65c8e8a4868cdb7d51e9e4c4c912ca9ef9.png[/img] Earlier this year, we announced our plans to [url=https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-us/news/152-330511-16/anti-cheat-next-steps]activate mandatory Two Step Verification[/url] in order to play Ranked. We are excited to announce that r[b]anked lock will be activated on December 11th, 2018 in Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.[/b] If you are playing on the data centers for these regions and you want to play Ranked, you will need to have 2 Step Verification activated on your account by December 11th. For APAC data centers (include the data centers here), this lock will happen at a later date. [h1]FAQ[/h1] [b]What is 2SV?[/b] 2-Step Verification is a system that allows you to add an extra layer of security to your account. You can find more info [url=https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/Faqs/000025170/Secure-your-account-with-2-Step-Verification#q1]here[/url]. [b]How do I activate 2SV?[/b] You can find a complete guide of how to activate 2SV in [url=https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-gb/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:154-322188-16&ct=tcm:154-76770-32]this article[/url] or in [url=https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/Faqs/000025170/Secure-your-account-with-2-Step-Verification#q2]our Support page[/url]. [b]Why do I need to activate it in order to play ranked?[/b] Account security is very important to us, and this is the next step to ensure that players participating in Ranked have a secured account. [b]What do I get for enabling 2SV?[/b] Three things: [list] [*] An extra layer of security in your account [*] The possibility to play Ranked after December 11th. [*] A free Thermite bundle if you activate 2SV before December 11th. [/list] [b]Why is the lock not happening in all regions at the same time?[/b] EU and NA have enough players with 2FA enabled to ensure a positive matchmaking experience. [b]What happens if I don’t enable 2SV?[/b] You will still be able to access the game and play Situations, Terrorist Hunt and Casual, but not Ranked. [b]I am having issues accessing my account because of 2SV, what do I do?[/b] Make sure that your application is synchronised, [url=https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025847/2-Step-Verification-access-issues/]here[/url] is how. [b]What if I lose my authenticator and my back up codes?[/b] You will need to get in touch with our [url=https://support.ubi.com/en-GB]Support team.[/url] [b]Can I disable 2SV?[/b] If you need to deactivate 2SV, [url=https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/Faqs/000025170/Secure-your-account-with-2-Step-Verification#q3]here[/url] is a full guide about how to do it. [b]I play on console; do I need to activate 2SV to play ranked?[/b] No, this requirement only affects PC players. [b]Can I get the Thermite skin even if I play on console?[/b] No, this reward is only available for PC players.