[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/db6691d0d111844666b187448a11a89701d70bd9.jpg[/img] [h1]BALANCING CHANGES[/h1] Below you will find the bulleted list of balancing changes in 1.2. For a detailed explanation of why we have made these changes, please reference the Designer’s Notes, found [url=https://rainbow6.ubisoft.com/siege/en-gb/news/detail.aspx?c=tcm:154-322116-16&ct=tcm:154-76770-32]here[/url]. [b]LION[/b] [list] [*]Outline will only appear for the duration of player movement. [*]Scan charges reduced from 3 to 2. [*]Cooldown between scans increased from 10 to 20 seconds. [/list] [b]JÄGER[/b] [list] [*]Magpie no longer destroys Hibana’s X-KAIROS pellets. [/list] [b]BLITZ[/b] [list] [*]Shield Flash range reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters. [*]Shield Flash charges reduced from 5 to 4. [/list] [b]VIGIL[/b] [list] [*]Electronic Rendering Cloak will deplete its charge in 12 seconds, down from 30 seconds. [*]Electronic Rendering Cloak will now recharge in 6 seconds, down from 12 seconds. [/list] [b]HIBANA[/b] [list] [*]Claymore replaced with Breaching Charge. [/list] [b]YING[/b] [list] [*]Smoke Grenades replaced with Claymore. [/list] [h1]LMG DAMAGE[/h1] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/066d349339a6f80e1a56d689934a846430285702.png[/img] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/9c3c934c1671b1baaa4ea7f7ec8da3cfe696c0a8.png[/img] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/3e58d2777dd729d6f7bb372079e4852c755e930b.png[/img] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/8328525/0f355865f3babe055f3a8dd3e02269970c767e5d.png[/img] [h1]BUG FIXES[/h1] [b]GAMEPLAY[/b] Fixed - Players are able to exploit hip fire accuracy by performing a series of actions. Fixed - Weapon turns invisible if a player throws their drone and it is destroyed instantly. Fixed - Defenders can remain stuck after deploying a gadget if using the Advanced Gadget Deployment setting. Fixed - Sometime Deployable Shield's replication is not the same after doing specific actions. [h1]LEVEL DESIGN[/h1] [b]BORDER[/b] Fixed - Attackers can plant the Defuser on top of a shelf in 2F Armory Lockers. [b]KAFE[/b] Fixed - Character model will become 2D if prone close to the 1F VIP Section stairs. [b]COASTLINE[/b] Fixed - The Defuser can be disabled by destroying the floor underneath it if is planted in 2F Billiard Room. [b]HOUSE[/b] Fixed - Players becomes invisible under the stairs in 1F Lobby area. [h1]OPERATORS[/h1] [b]LION[/b] Fixed - Lion's scan sound effect persists into the next round. [b]FINKA[/b] Fixed - If Finka's boost ends while a player is in Smoke's Gas, the damage multiplier is not removed. Fixed - When the Spear .308 magazine is completely empty, aiming down sights while reloading will shorten the animation slightly. [b]KAPKAN[/b] Fixed - The EDD will not give 40 damage if it is positioned on the lowest point possible on a door. [b]VALKYRIE[/b] Fixed - Black Eyes are able to see through borders in 2F Stock Trading room on Bank. [b]DOC[/b] Fixed - Activating the Stim Pistol while holding a deployable shield switches weapon instantly. [b]ELA[/b] Fixed - Ela will lose functionality if her gadget will be destroyed while trying to pick it up. [b]BANDIT[/b] Fixed - Shock wire remains active on a deployable shield after the shield was destroyed [b]JÄGER[/b] Fixed - Operator is sometimes stuck when trying to pick up deployable gadgets. [h1]USER EXPERIENCE[/h1] Fixed - Players with VS Notifications preference OFF still see the notification in-game Fixed - Players are able to equip a standard and Elite BDU at the same time Fixed - Slasher Headgear for Buck is missing the red eyes.