Howdy Reporterbots! I've just pushed a significant update to the Times & Galaxy demo. The update focuses on bug fixes and general stability, especially around the save/load system as well as the behavior of characters when you leave and return to the game. A few players reported some funky behavior from characters, especially on the Scanner and in the Cat Show, where they would move to previous positions and repeat lines if you exited out and then continued to play. These issues should be fixed now (knock on space-wood). When you update, make sure your version number in the top left corner of the main menu reads 0.10.3500. It's best practice to start a new game and not try to continue your save from the previous demo version. It might work fine, but yeah, it's been a while since we updated the demo and this may introduce weird bugs that could otherwise be avoided. If you encounter any other issues on this version of the demo, please hop into the bug reporting thread on our Steam forum and let us know what broke and what you were doing when it broke. Excited to show you all more very soon. For now, if you've put off playing the demo, now is a great time to jump in and see what our weird game is all about. Thanks for your support and tell five friends about our game before sundown or you'll be cursed!* 👁️❤️🛸, Ben *Note: Curse is for entertainment purposes only.