[h1]Update V.1.2.4[/h1] [b]General[/b] [list] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]Out Of Business Hardcore[/i] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]The Temple[/i] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]The Temple Hardcore[/i] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]Leap Of Faith[/i] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]Small Details Hardcore[/i] [*] Collision fixes on task [i]In Transit Hardcore[/i] [*] 'IMI Test' [i]Strength[/i] reduced general difficulty [/list] [b]Performance[/b] [list] [*] Updated a torch used on multiple tasks that was negatively affecting performance on "Very High" graphics. [*] Changed lighting on task [i]IMI West Hardcore[/i] to increase general performance [*] Tweaked and reduced foliage on task [i]The Village[/i] [/list] [b]Graphics[/b] [list] [*] Added DLAA option. [*] Lighting tweaks on multiple tasks and IMI Test [/list]