[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33775614/4919e2d275116fee89beccdd74d7030ce7f7696b.jpg[/img] Hello everyone! We're pleased to update The Witch's House MV with the following: - Mac OS is officially supported. - Diagonal movement has been implemented. - There was a bug involving the poison water and using your menu which could cause a soft lock. This has been fixed. - There was a bug in the skull puzzle where the player could lose their skull by placing it where one is already present. This has been fixed. - Various text has been fixed. - When returning from the ending map to the previous one the save menu would open. This has been fixed. - In the dining hall on the first floor there was a bug where even if the player read the note saying to test for poison they could not do so. This has been fixed. - We are still investigating some bugs that appear to originate from the engine being used. Fixes for these bugs may mean we need to wait for an engine update. We appreciate your patience on these items. And finally, I have some good news! Fummy is happy to take your questions! We'll try to answer whatever questions you have, but we'll need a little time for them to come in and a little more for the translation process. I'll post separately about this as well in an announcement and in the forums so everyone has a chance to ask what they'd like. Thanks everyone! Cheers!