Hey everyone! We have more bug fixes and improvements in this new update. You can find all the patch notes of Version 1.12 below. [list] [*] Fixed portal appearing too soon under a block, allowing Jot to get stuck inside a wall in Chapter 7 [*] Fixed the weedkiller potion disappearing when making a purchase in Martina's shop in chapter 6 [*] Fixed the mouse cursor not initially being visible in the main menu when the game was launched [*] Fixed being able to make a rubboink unrecoverable in a desk sketchspace in chapter 5 [*] Fixed line breaks appearing as ‘#’ in various menu UI elements in Korean, Japanese and both Chinese languages [*] Fixed Jot, Violet and Thrash duplicating and getting stuck in Chapter 4 log scene [*] Fixed broken Humgrump bust being destroyed by sword slash in Chapter 9 [*] Fixed bombs getting stuck to Jot in Chapter 9 [*] Fixed key disappearing when thrown at a wall in Chapter 5 [*] Fixed being able to move Jot during desk loading [*] Fixed a page not turning and being teleported to the wrong page in Chapter 6 [*] Fixed cutscene where NPCs overlap Jot until scene end in Chapter 7 [*] Fixed NPCs falling through the floor and becoming invisible in Chapter 4 [*] Fixed recollecting a Zap piece from Jelly Kings mug on reload [*] Fixed low resolution textures during Buttergrump boss fight [*] Fixed word ‘Night’ getting stuck behind a singing frog in Chapter 4 [*] Fixed interaction hints not showing during archery mini-game in chapter 4 [*] Fixed frog not moving correctly in chapter 4 [*] Fixed interaction hints not showing during dinorama in chapter 7 [*] Fixed crates being tilted into one another and causing a blocker in Chapter 9 puzzle [*] Fixed NPC rotations [*] Fixed yellow block behaving erratically in Chapter 9 [/list]