'The Making of The Painscreek Killings' in development
Author: EQ Studios,
published 1 year ago,
Hi everyone,
We are currently developing 'The Making of The Painscreek Killings', a 90+ pages jam-packed information on how TPK was created from beginning to end. It is currently available on Scene Investigators' Kickstarter page as part of a pledge or an add-on item.
('The Making of The Painscreek Killings' is only in English and as a digital download in PDF format.)
[url=https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eqstudios/scene-investigators?ref=9k7plp target=_blank][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//30706722/e61c4706b37031de166be283a459e21cae42a70f.png[/img]
EQ Studios