[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30706722/be4f305adb850c614d17cc663c39962c39182bb0.png[/img] Hello everyone! German is now available in The Painscreek Killings! We're thrilled to finally bring this to our game and we hope that all our German fans can enjoy the game in their native language. Regarding our Spanish translation, we lost contact with our translator about a month ago now. It's very likely that something has come up for them and they've had to abandon their work. The Spanish translation will be delayed until we can successfully figure out how to move forward. We're extremely sorry for this. On another note we're nearly finished with another language that we haven't announced yet. Hungarian is just being polished as we write this. We hope to release it soon. Thank you.