Hi guys, Through our participation in Chengdu G-Fusion Showcase and the on-site playtesting, I identified several issues that need to be addressed. Specifically, poor guidance in the game has resulted confusion among players regarding the game mechanics. Therefore, I have decided to adjust the guidance accordingly. [list] [*] SOULFORCE – The introduction of Soulforce was originally planned for a later stage in the game, but I have decided to put a brief introduction during the first combat instead. [*] ENEMY INTENTS – Previously in the HELP tab, it will now be prompted during the first encounter with a mini Boss. [*] ENEMY IAKNESS - Previously in the HELP tab, it will now be prompted during the first encounter with a mini Boss. [*] CHARACTER SWITCHING – While the game does enable the switching of character actions, there is currently no tutorial on it. I will include one. [*] ACCESSIBILITY – Movement controls require improvement. I are currently enhancing the pull and range of the event nodes, but this could potentially result in bugs that I are addressing individually. [*] PUZZLE – Upon three failed attempts on certain puzzles, hints will be prompted to prevent players from getting stuck. [*] More autosave checkpoints will be added to prevent significant progress loss after a GAMEOVER. [*] I are in the final stages of proofreading for the English translations and will soon update an improved multilingual version. [*] Currently in the process of producing the trailer. Video editing proves to be quite challenging for a solo developer. [*] The UI modifications are still pending, and I am actively seeking assistance in redesigning the UI icons. [*] The narrative performance and BOSS AI require significant adjustments. [*] During the following months, there will be a considerable workload, and I will take things step by step. [/list] I wish you all happy holidays!