[h3]Greetings Lampbearers, [/h3] If you are experiencing performance or crash issues in-game or at launch, we strongly recommend the following troubleshooting steps: [olist] [*] Use the “AUTO-SET” option within the game’s SETTINGS menu under the GRAPHIC tab. This will apply settings best suited to your PC configuration and will optimise performance. [*] We also highly recommend you update your graphics drivers to the latest version, we have worked directly with Nvidia & AMD to offer the smoothest performance possible on the latest drivers. Please find some useful links below: [url=https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/drivers/ ]Nvidia[/url] [url=https://www.amd.com/en/support ]AMD[/url] [*] If that doesn’t work, please try deleting your PSOs by following the steps below: a. Go to: "X:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\LOTF2\Saved\" b. Delete the *.UPIPELINECACHE file c. Right click on the game. Select ‘Properties’ - ‘Installed Files’ - Click on "Verify Integrity of Caché" [*] If you’re still experiencing issues, please send an email to support@cigames.com. When you email us, please attach[ a dxdiag file and supply the following details: [list] [*] How many hours you’ve played [*] Steps to recreate the bug(s) [*] And any other information that would be useful. [/list]To generate a DxDiag file, please see [url=https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/open-and-run-dxdiag-exe-dad7792c-2ad5-f6cd-5a37-bf92228dfd85]here[/url] Also, provide us with your GPU Debugging Log. Head to your Steam settings, and please enter the following command: "-gpucrashdebugging". Start your game and after your crash please head over to X:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\LOTF2\Saved\Logs\LOTF2.log Take both logs and please include them in your email to our team at support@cigames.com. If the issue is a crash, please send us the text contained within the pop-up window that appears in the crash reporter window. Please click to “SEND” the information (DO NOT CLOSE IT) as this goes directly to our bugs database. [/olist] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42849889/6da2648cc77e214fe35f65992416ab8a22305b2d.png[/img]