[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42849889/c1ff9efa416bb02521ad33456abc9389c43280bc.png[/img] [h3]Greetings Lampbearers, [/h3] Get [b]50% off Lords of the Fallen[/b] for a limited time only as part of the [b]CI Games Steam Publisher Sale.[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1501750/Lords_of_the_Fallen/ And what better time to descend upon the vast lands of Mournstead, following the action-RPGs recent update to [b]VERSION 1.5 ‘Master of Fate’[/b] - the culmination of over 30 post-launch updates, [b]significantly improving performance[/b] across the board alongside [b]extensive difficulty balancing[/b] in response to community feedback. The new update also adds [b]custom difficulty modifiers[/b] by way of the Advanced Modifier System, allowing would-be crusaders to make the game easier, harder or simply swap a few things around for a completely new experience every time! [b](Pro tip: turn on pre-upgraded loot for a less challenging adventure!)[/b] Please find a below a few of our development teams’ personal favourite modifier combinations: [u][h3]Advanced Game Modifier Recommendations[/h3][/u] [b]Revamped Experience[/b] - Recommended for Second Playthrough This recommendation allows those who have already completed the game to experience an all-new playthrough with randomised loot and enemies [list] [*] No Vestige Decay [*] Random Loot [*] Randomized Enemies [/list][b]Roguelite[/b] - Recommended for Roguelite Players We recommend this path for those who have experienced Mournstead before and would like to now embrace the randomness of Axiom and Umbral whilst retaining the gains of a past life. [list] [*] No Vestige Decay [*] Ironman [*] Random Loot [*] Randomized Enemies [*] Pre-Upgraded Loot [/list][b]Hardcore[/b] - Recommended for Hardcore Players For those ready to test their battle skills against a random set of foes, we offer this arrangement of options. However, be wary: You may only restore your health through combat. [list] [*] Vestige Decay 1 or 2 [*] Randomized Loot [*] Randomized Enemies [*] Withered Healing [/list][b]Ultimate Challenge[/b] - Recommended for Hardcore Players Only for the most battle hardened of crusaders who are not averse to severe levels of punishment. [list] [*] Full Vestige Decay [*] Randomized Loot [*] Randomized Enemies [*] Withered Healing [*] Ironman [*] Max Enemy Density [/list] Watch the new VERSION 1.5 ‘Master of Fate’ Trailer below: [previewyoutube=4Dlbw_NBDFM;full][/previewyoutube] Links: Official Website: https://lordsofthefallen.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lotfgame YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cigames #DareToBelieve