[h1]Hi everybody![/h1] Thanks for all of the input recently on The Long Reach. We’ve been working hard with the developers to try and push out as many fixes for the game as possible. Here’s a changelog of some of the more notable ones: [list][*] fixed an incorrect behaviour with 'Jack' ([i]including doubling, falling from ceiling, invisibility[/i]) [*] fixed impossibility of discovering hidden achievements [*] fixed game crash after interacting with some objects [*] fixed impossibility of moving after the game restart, if the player died while interacting with objects [*] fixed “[i]empty dialog[/i]” issue in underground facility [*] fixed error with Maxwell’s behaviour ([i]disappearing, invisibility, etc[/i]) [*] fixed scene boundaries issue at the underground facility which led to character disappearing [*] increased time of saving indicator view [*] possibility of dying instantly after reloading of save is prevented [*] ...and a huge amount of small bug fixes[/list] Please, if you come across any more issues in-game comment here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/584990/discussions/0/2949168687317581259/ Kind regards and thanks for the support, Merge Games