We’ve had so many people playing our games and having amazing times at parties and family gatherings since we launched, and it’s given us tons of great feedback. Thanks, everyone! We’ve tried to address some existing issues with this patch, but we are always working to fix any new issues you might have. If you have a problem, please let us know at our [url=https://jellyvisiongames.zendesk.com/]support site[/url] or on the Discussion thread on Steam. Before we list the fixes in this release, just a couple of big reminders: 1) This game is SAME-ROOM MULTIPLAYER! All the games are party games meant to be played in a party setting in the same room, or perhaps in two very close rooms, or a large open field of poppies. As long everyone can see the TV. 2) HOWEVER, you can also create an online game experience using Steam’s brand new [url=https://steamcommunity.com/updates/broadcasting]Broadcast[/url] feature or by using another streaming service like Twitch. Patch Notes: [list] [*] Fixed some issues that were causing players to get stuck at the Start screen. [*] Fixed issues with long Drawful text entries getting cut off. [*] In Drawful, if you type in something VERY CLOSE to the correct answer, such as a slight misspelling, you’ll now usually be asked to enter something else. This eliminates multiple very similar answers to choose from (in many cases). [*] Mouse cursor will now be hidden after being idle for 5 seconds. [*] Removed minimize / maximize window buttons in windowed mode, as they were causing weird video scaling issues. [*] Fixed occurrence of a missing “Kangaroo, Peanut, Albert Einstein or Uranus?” video in YOU DON’T KNOW JACK 2015. [*] Fixed various issues that could lead to the game freezing or soft-locking. [*] Fixed some bold font issues. [*] [url=http://jackbox.tv]Jackbox.tv[/url] now recognizes and alerts players before they sign in if their browser is not compatible with Drawful. [/list]