[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35030854/6f22baf73a19d8cd6cd237c0556078cab45eca99.gif[/img] Hello Steam, As we continue the development of [b]The Islander: Landscape Designer[/b] and the game starts to get a shape and form, we decided it would be a good idea to start a weakly (sometimes weakly) devlog. We want every person who is interested in this game to be informed on the current state of the development, what's new been added and just to give an opportunity to learn more about this project. We won't reveal anythin in this entry yet, since it's meant more as in introduction. So as a compensation here is .gif showing the different variations of house exterior you'll be able to play with - design your favorite combination, craft and build. Simple as that. -Boxhead Bros. P.S. Don't forget to wishlist.