[h3]What if you took a different path? Who would you be? What if you could talk to your altered selves? What would you learn? What if...?[/h3] Our publisher [b]11 bit studios[/b] greets you with another meaningful entertainment, a game of life-changing moments and numerous human choices - [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1601570/The_Alters]The Alters[/url][/b]. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1601570/The_Alters It's the story of [b]Jan Dolski, a simple worker[/b] facing circumstances that lead him to a life-changing crossroads. [b]Crash landing on a distant planet[/b], stranded and alone, Jan finds himself in a daunting life and death situation. His only hope for survival is to bring helping hands on board. Not yet understanding the weight of his choice, [b]Jan must create alternate versions of himself[/b] if he is to forge ahead: the alters. [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1601570/The_Alters][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38748592/6a655006b9f8da6ea5e321d686c68d224ac4c866.png[/img][/url] Both The Invincible and The Alters will put you in difficult situations, force you to rethink what is and what could be. There is no better time to discover things anew. The world is changing. And so will you.