Hey everyone, I’m Antony from Far Few Giants, and I’m proud to announce that [i]The Imagined Leviathan[/i] is evolving into a new full game called [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1528030/Imagined_Leviathans/]Imagined Leviathans[/url]. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1528030/Imagined_Leviathans/ This new game will develop the gameplay and themes of the original prototype into a [b]full 2-3 hours of play[/b], with significantly more to do and see, including meeting other survivors. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38709509/e2085ed3a5a0ebef74b1b25215224c56f35e3e47.gif[/img] As you can see, the art in [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1528030/Imagined_Leviathans/]Imagined Leviathans[/url] is a significant step up. The theme of the original prototype was “humans versus nature”, which we took in a climate change direction. Soon though, I expanded it, dealing with climate change as just one of several similar concepts: “problems far, far bigger than any one person”. In research I stumbled across VanderMeer’s visual metaphor of the “imagined leviathan”, which blew my mind with how succinctly it describes those problems: as overwhelming beings we cannot directly face. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38709509/50a774d795fb5f01ea2c2811852e6cfbb59194be.png[/img] The project felt deeply meaningful, and the positive response from the community has been overwhelming. It’s unlike anything we’ve made before, and the vision for [i]Imagined Leviathans[/i] is easily the most ambitious thing we’ve worked on. It includes the new ability to enter dwellings, explore them through a text-adventure-like mechanic, and meet their inhabitants. Interactions with the insidious creatures in the world are now more deeply affecting, leaning further in a horror direction, and I’ve improved the tactility of fire building so it feels more like you’re really scratching around in the snow, desperate to get warm. The explorable area is roughly 500% larger, with [i]far[/i] more locations and mysteries to discover. Right now we've rebranded [i]The Imagined Leviathan[/i] as a Prologue for the main game, and it'll be changing [i]considerably[/i] to become the first full act of [i]Imagined Leviathans[/i]. Today, I’ve uploaded the first major patch to [i]The Imagined Leviathan: Prologue[/i], which changes how fire building works, adds new and improved art assets, majorly updates the audio, cuts features that weren't working out, adds some accessibility updates, and fixes many bugs! We [i]cannot wait[/i] to share [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1528030/Imagined_Leviathans/]Imagined Leviathans[/url] with you. It’ll be on its own separate store page, so make sure to Wishlist it [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1528030/Imagined_Leviathans/]here[/url]. That’s all for now. Happy surviving! Antony de Fault